Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16) | |||
$0.25€0.140.02 | |||
$0.24€0.130.02 | |||
$0.55€1.250.03 | |||
$0.25€0.200.03 | |||
Other (4) | |||
$3.92€3.810.26 | |||
Creature (17) | |||
$4.12€3.050.19 | |||
$0.27€0.470.02 | |||
$0.44€0.370.03 | |||
$0.77€1.490.65 | |||
$0.25€0.430.06 | |||
Land (23) | |||
$0.64€0.610.26 | |||
$2.01€3.701.58 | |||
$0.200.03 |
$0.35€0.280.01 | |||
$0.75€0.750.10 | |||
$0.78€0.400.03 | |||
$0.34€0.240.03 | |||
$0.63€0.700.03 | |||
$8.00€6.961.70 | |||
$1.35€1.925.85 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsThis is a mono red aggro deck with the Nahiri's Warcrafting and Invasion of Tarkir // Defiant Thundermaw combo. The deck also has 4 Shivan Devastators which increase the damage of Invasion of Tarkir // Defiant Thundermaw and trigger the attack ability of Defiant Thundermaw. Especially when you have 1 or more dragons alongside Defiant Thundermaw, it's true dragon mayhem!
The deck is based on a 5–0 mono red deck by geleroff:
60 Cards
The card with the highest fixed mana cost in the deck is Nahiri's Warcrafting, which requires 3 mana to cast. Everything else is castable with 2 mana. This is most helpful, when you draw only 2 or 3 lands in an entire game, and it allows you to pretty much play all your spells. If, on the other hand, you are mana flooded, you can use the extra mana to create bigger Shivan Devastators, cast free spells with Bloodthirsty Adversary, activate Mishra's Foundry, and play the channel ability Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance. Nahiri's Warcrafting also works better when there is more mana available to cast the potential extra spell.
14 Cards
15 Cards
4 Cards
4 Cards
23 Cards
The deck is a bit more complicated to play than a traditional mono red aggro deck, because you need decide whether you want to flip Invasion of Tarkir // Defiant Thundermaw or not. If you have Nahiri's Warcrafting in your hand, you can usually use it to flip Invasion of Tarkir // Defiant Thundermaw, unless you need it for Sheoldred, the Apocalypse or another creature. Flipping the Invasion may also be effective, if you have an additional dragon in your hand. Since flipping the Invasion requires 5 damage, it is usually a question whether you want to deal this damage to the opponent or to the battle. As a rule of thumb, I would say that if you have a really good board state that probably wins you the game, do not flip the Invasion. However, if your board state is weak and is probably not enough to win you the game, it is better to flip the Invasion first and thus get a better board state before you try to go for killing the opponent. Since Nahiri's Warcrafting cannot deal damage to the player, it is often useful to use it to flip the Invasion, which saves your other damage spells and combat damage for the opponent. But of course, you can use Warcrafting to kill a creature to make a way to deal combat damage to the Invasion and flip it.
Overall, I feel that the deck is a bit better than a traditional mono red aggro deck in terms of resilience, because you can decide whether you want to flip the Invasion or not. If you have a bad board state, you can go for the Invasion and get a powerful dragon to help your army. You can also play the deck like a traditional mono red aggro deck by trying to deal 20 damage in 4 or 5 turns and completely forego the flipping of the Invasion. The deck also has Nahiri's Warcrafting that helps a lot against Sheoldred, the Apocalypse and it is not a dead card vs. control, because you can use it to flip Invasion of Tarkir // Defiant Thundermaw. All in all, there are no dead cards in deck, since all other damage spells can deal damage to the opponent. The deck has a total of 10 flying creatures (if you count Defiant Thundermaws), which makes it pretty dangerous against decks that rely on ground blockers.
The deck is slower than a mono red deck that does not employ so many flying creatures. Therefore, a traditional mono red deck may not be a good matchup for the deck.
Building decks and playing Magic.
22 | 14 | 12 | 12 | 0 |
0 | 4 | 11 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |