Modern - [Modern] Annoying White People

TCGPlayer $57
Cardmarket €41
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (27)
Planeswalker (2)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (23)

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A white weenie deck I'm piloting in my local MTG group. Cost-wise (money) I've kept it on the cheap side. It plays really simple: Get out cheap creatures and go to face! All creatures in this deck are humans to capitalize on synergies between them. "When we are many we are strong!"

The Deck

The curve of the deck is pretty low allowing to start of the game aggressively. We've got the classic white humans in here. Champion of the Parishimage and Thalia's Lieutenantimage grow when we play other humans. The lieutanent can also grow our other humans. Benalish Marshalimage hits in the same spot making our weenie little creatures a bit bigger.

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Precinct Captainimage and Thraben Doomsayerimage allow to go a little more wide by repeatedly pooping tokens. Precinct Captainimage may force some unfavorable blocks by the opponent or get through more often. The combination of first strike and creating tokens can result in the oponent to have to make tough choices. Especially when the captain is buffed by the other cards in this deck.

As disruption of the opponent we have Giant Killerimage and Thalia, Heretic Catharimage. Thalia slows the opponent down and prevents him from blocking with freshly summoned creatures. Giant Killerimage is "big" removal and either prevents the opponent from attacking or clears the way to attack the opponent by tapping his creatures.

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For protection we have Dauntless Bodyguardimage to keep our most important creature alive in the face of board wipes or targeted destruction removal. Brave the Elementsimage fills the same role by giving all our creatures protection form a color. While it does not prevent destruction it is a "hexproof light". It can also double up by making all our creatures unblockable in a the right board state and swinging in for the win!

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Brave the Elementsimage also brings us the the noncreature spells. There's not many. We have only very little removal in the deck. Besides Giant Killerimage there are only two copies of Banishing Lightimage and Ixalan's Bindingimage each. Let's hope the opponent does not play enchantment removal for those. Icon of Ancestryimage doubles up as a buff for all our humans and help to use up free mana to filter our deck for more creatures. While Elspeth, Knight-Errantimage isn't really a budgety card I like the flavor of here in the deck. She either helps to go wider or give one of our creatures much needed evasion once per turn. You'll probably never get to go to her -8. But if you do: great!

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And last, but not least, the mana base: This is a mono white deck. So, it's pretty simple. A bunch of plains. Besides those there is a triple of Castle Ardvenvale for the occasional token generation. Again: Don't wanna waste any mana. A random Westvale Abbey // Ormendahl, Profane Princeimage is in here just for fun. When we have a wide board state it is a sort-of protection from sweepers. And having an occasional 9/7 flying, lifelink indestructible demon is just fun!

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Other Optional Cards

Now there are other cards which I would like to try in this deck, but haven't gotten around to it, yet. The most likely cuts would be the kinda medium cards Precinct Captainimage, Thraben Doomsayerimage, and Ixalan's Bindingimage. The captain and the doomsayer are kind of slow. The binding is a bit too much on the high end CMC side for this deck. Another candidate would be up to two copies of Giant Killerimage.

A (very) good one-drop to include would be Kytheon, Hero of Akros // Gideon, Battle-Forgedimage. We often are in a position where we can attack with three creatures. The resulting planeswalker Gideon can then immediately protect himself by making one of the other attackers indestrucible and untapping it.

Thalia, Guardian of Thrabenimage would also be a very good inclusion. It just goes against the kind-of budgety aspect of the deck. If you her, definitely include her! Same goes for Michiko Konda, Truth Seekerimage. She can force the opponent into bad plays. And that's always a good thing. I'd really love to include her. The Kamigawa books were my first contact with MTG and I'm having very fond memories of them.

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I'd also like to try Elspeth, Sun's Nemesisimage. She can create human tokens and buff creatures. Overall this card has an intriguing concept to it. Knight of the White Orchidimage would be much needed ramp. And Mikaeus, the Lunarchimage could be interesting, but overall seems like a worse version of Steel Overseerimage for artifacts.

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