Arena Standard - Mythic Selesnya +1 counters

TCGPlayer $68
Cardmarket €37
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 20 invalid cards for this format: Fearless Fledgling (ZNR), Branchloft Pathway (ZNR), Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR), Conclave Mentor (M21), Wildwood Scourge (M21), Vastwood Fortification (ZNR), Dragonsguard Elite (STX), Snakeskin Veil (KHM), Sparring Regimen (STX), Fight as One (IKO), The Ozolith (IKO), Mavinda, Students' Advocate (STX), Wild Shape (AFR), Fabled Passage (M21), Emergent Sequence (STX), Environmental Sciences (STX), Expanded Anatomy (STX), Reduce to Memory (STX), Basic Conjuration (STX), Containment Breach (STX)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (20)
Side 5 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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*if I post a deck, that deck has seen tens of tens games and has been tuned, my decks are not theoretical builds but tested ones 


Sharing my favourite deck ever.


The beauty of this deck is in the cost 2 creatures played in turn 2 are growing proportionally each turn. The initially small weenies quickly out of hand.

The deck is pretty much self explanatory, counters, counters and many more counters.

Every card synergies with one or more others, ie. Emergent Sequenceimage triggers both Dragonsguard Eliteimage and Fearless Fledgeling, and all triggers Wildwood Scourgeimage.

Fight as Oneimage and Sejiri Shelterimage help Snakeskin Veilimage against removals and deathtouch, which were previously a problem, now much less.

Vs removals heavy decks (ie. black or red), it is worth waiting to have 3 untapped lands before dropping our 2 cost unit, so that it can be protected for one turn. Since there are triggers on every creature, when they manage to stay on the field for even just one turn to be taken out in the second, they already did something good for us and even when killed is no longer a 1:1 trade, to our benefit.

The 20 lands + 2 in MFC (+2 in Emergent Sequence) is prooving to be a good balance vs flooding.

Will most likely drop the 2 The First Iroan Gamesimage for a 2nd Mavinda OR a 4th Dragonsguard AND a 2nd Stonecoil Serpentimage OR a 2nd The Ozolithimage, if I can win the reluctance to buy soon-to-rotate cards.

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Last Updated: 05 Sep 2021
Created: 20 May 2021
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18 23 17 2 0
2 2 1 0 0
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