Arena Standard - Knights' Spectacle

  • Deck contains 8 invalid cards for this format: Vicious Rumors (GRN), Drill Bit (RNA), Spawn of Mayhem (RNA), Light Up the Stage (RNA), Skewer the Critics (RNA), Theater of Horrors (RNA), Blood Crypt (RNA), Knight of the Ebon Legion (M20)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Creature (20)
Land (23)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Hello all and welcome to another deck! 

This deck is centered around the spectacle function which allows us to pay an alternative cost so long as our opponents suffer damage that turn. We are able to reliably cast the cards for their alternative costs with damage engines that ping the opponent or each player. 

These two cards are a must, they are cost-efficient creatures with HUGE upsides.

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Stormfist Crusaderimage pumps out cards for us to burn through our deck and pings the opponent so that we may cast cards for the spectacle cost. Spawn of Mayhemimage also pings both players, so again we are able to cast our cards for the spectacle cost! These creatures are essential for our deck, so for that reason, we run four copies of each. 

Now, what cards will benefit from the spectacle cost?

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As we can see above, these cards have a normal CMC of 3, but by dealing damage to the opponent, we are able to save two mana for each cast! That's pretty insane value. Especially when you are able to burn your opponents' counterspells for only a single mana. It's often difficult for them to stop the onslaught of cheap spells we throw at them each turn! For that reason, I run 10 spells, 4 of Skewer the Criticsimage and 3 of Light Up the Stageimage and Drill Bitimage. These may be interchangeable depending on your preference and matchup!

Additionally, Spawn of Mayhemimage drops a from a 4 CMC to a 3 CMC if we can land damage. Let me be the first to say that a 4/4 Flyer with Trample and potential to self-buff on turn 3 is pretty terrifying if you're the opponent. 

Card Draw

Since we will be casting cards for a relatively cheaper cost, we want to maximize our card draw so we don't run out of steam. We have Stormfist Crusaderimage and Light Up the Stageimage to accelerate, but if we want to really turn up the heat, we're going to need to turn to the Theater of Horrorsimage.


This card peels the top card off of our library each turn, and so long as we have dealt damage to our opponent, we can cast these cards! Because the cards are exiled, this gets around card draw limiters such as Narset, Parter of Veilsimage, but still gives us a giant card advantage! I elect to run three copies of Theater of Horrorsimage because too many of these can burn through our deck faster than we can end the game in some matchups. We generally want at least one on the battlefield, with two being a nice bonus, but never three or more.

Note: Cards exiled by Theater of Horrorsimage will go to the graveyard once Theater of Horrorsimage leaves the battlefield. They do not remain in exile. Additionally, if you have multiple Theater of Horrorsimage in play, they exile their own set of cards and will take that corresponding set to the graveyard if it leaves the battlefield. 


Since we have discussed the primary function of the deck, we can move into the remaining cards.

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I decided to stick to Knights as they are fairly cost-effective and synergize well together, even if it's not a complete tribal deck. I run four copies of each of these Knights to keep the average CMC as low as possible.

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Embercleaveimage tied to a Knight of the Ebon Legionimage that can pump +3/+3 whenever needed is nearly unstoppable. Additionally, Embercleaveimage with Spawn of Mayhemimage is equally deadly. Vicious Rumorsimage is a cheap ping to the opponent, it allows us to open our Theater of Horrorsimage if we have no other means to deal damage that turn. Also, it forces them to lose a potential answer out of their hand which is a big upside as the main point of this deck is to play a lot of threats and force the opponent to answer them or admit defeat. I run two copies of each of these spells to give me the assistance to close out the game when needed. 


I think 23 lands for this deck is correct, but given the amount of card draw, you may be able to squeak by with 22. I feel that 24 lands usually results in floods whenever we need additional threats. We NEED to be able to stay on curve, so avoiding too many tapped lands is the way to go. The lands are as follows:

4 x Blood Cryptimage 

2 x Castle Emberethimage

2 x Castle Locthwainimage

7 x Mountainimage

8 x Swampimage


That's all for this deck! I hope you enjoy playing this deck as much as I did brewing it! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment! I will most likely revisit this deck once Theros Beyond Death drops, but until then may your draws be strong! 

Happy Holidays!


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Last Updated: 27 Dec 2019
Created: 19 Dec 2019
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