Arena Standard - Jund Dino Reanimator (BLB)

Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Creature (15)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

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Resurrect the beast, then watch it stomp!

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This is a dinosaur reanimation deck in Jund colors, which aims at resurrecting Ghalta, Stampede Tyrantimage with Rakdos Joins Upimage or The Cruelty of Giximage and then put into play several high mana dinosaurs. The dinos can gain haste from Palani's Hatcherimage or Bitter Reunionimage.

Deck Design


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  • Count: 6

Rakdos Joins Up is great for animating legendary creatures, such as Ghalta, Stampede Tyrantimage, because if they happen to die, they deal a hefty amount of damage to the opponent. It also costs only 1 black mana, which makes it very easy to cast in this deck.

The Cruelty of Gix is great in its flebility. Not only can it be used to resurrect a creature from any graveyard, but also it offers chapters 1 and 2, which can become useful, when reanimation is out-of-question. Due to mana base concerns, there are no more than two copies of the card in the deck, since the 2 black mana requirement can be sometimes hard to achieve.


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  • Count: 2

Saheeli's Lattice can be used to craft Mastercraft Raptor. It can get very big, especially if you use a couple of Ghalta, Stampede Tyrantimage to craft it. Crafting works with cards in the graveyard, so it's perfect for this deck. However, because it lacks trample and an evasion ability, Mastercraft Raptor is only of limited use.

Spot Removal

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  • Count: 4

Board Wipe


  • Count: 4

Card Draw


  • Count: 3

Card Selection

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  • Count: 14

Surveil lands can be used to select cards as well as fill the graveyard with big dinos.

Discard Outlets

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  • Count: 8

Each of the discard outlets has also an alternative use. Bitter Reunion can be used to give haste to your team. Bitter Triumph acts as a removal for both creatures and planeswalkers. Saheeli's Lattice can be used as a semi-reanimation spell as you can craft it into Saheeli's Lattice // Mastercraft Raptorimage.

Direct Damage


  • Count: 4

When a legedary creature dies, Rakdos Joins Up deals direct damage to the opponent.

Life Gain


  • Count: 3

Counterspell Protection


  • Count: 2

Cavern of Souls can provide uncounterability, if you are going to cast dinosaurs in a fair way.


  • The deck is for the Standard format with Bloomburrow being the last legal set.
  • The deck is probably Tier 1.5 or Tier 2 caliber.
  • The deck can be played in both Bo1 and Bo3.


The deck is based on:

Afterwards, the deck was compared with other Dinosaur Reanimator decks that started to appear in the Internet:

New Cards

From Bloomburrow


Mana Base


The deck's primary color is red. The mana base supports cards with 2 red mana symbols in their mana cost from mana value 3 and up with at least an 85.1 % chance when played on the curve.

The deck's secondary color is black. The mana base supports cards with 2 black mana symbol in their mana cost from mana value 5 and up with at least an 83.1 % chance when played on the curve.

The deck's tertiary color is green. The mana base supports green Dinosaur creature cards with 2 green mana symbol in their mana cost from mana value 7 and up, namely Vaultborn Tyrantimage with at least an 84.1 % chance when played on the curve. The mana base gives Ghalta, Stampede Tyrantimage at least a 64.0 % chance to be cast when played on the curve.

The deck aims at the following spell casting chances:

  • 4-offs with an 85 % chance or higher (excluding Ghalta, Stampede Tyrantimage, which is usually reanimated)
  • 2-offs with an 82 % chance or higher


  • Total of 26 lands

Mana Color Produced

  • 16 lands produce red mana
  • 12 lands produce black mana
  • 8 lands produce green mana
  • 3 lands can be used to fetch a basic land
  • 2 lands produce colorless mana but may produce green and red mana for casting Dinosaur creatures

Land Types

  • 9 dual-color tapped surveil lands
  • 6 dual-color pain lands
  • 3 fetch lands
  • 2 special lands
  • 6 basic lands

Starting Hand Probabilities

Land Count

Bo3 = No Hand Smoothing
  • At least two lands: 89.6 %
  • At least three lands: 66.1 %
  • At least four lands: 34.9 %

Color Count

Bo3 = No Hand Smoothing
  • At least one red mana: 90.1 %
  • At least one black mana: 80.9 %
  • At least one green mana: 65.4 %
  • At least one fetch land: 31.5 %

Probabilities on Later Turns

Probabilities are on the play / on the draw.

Land Count

With Any Starting Hand
  • At least 3 lands on turn 3: 84.6 % / 90.2 %
  • At least 4 lands on turn 4: 71.6 % / 80.2 %
  • At least 5 lands on turn 5: 56.7 % / 67.2 %
  • At least 6 lands on turn 6: 42.0 % / 53.0 %

Color Count

With Any Starting Hand
  • At least two red mana on turn 3: 78.1 % / 83.1 %
  • At least two black mana on turn 5: 70.5 % / 75.6 %
  • At least one green mana on turn 2: 70.6 % / 75.1 %
  • At least two green mana on turn 7: 50.7 % / 55.8 %
  • At least one fetch land on turn 4: 42.7 % / 46.2 %
  • At least one fetch land on turn 5: 46.2 % / 49.5 %
  • At least one fetch land on turn 6: 49.5 % / 52.6 %
  • At least one fetch land on turn 7: 52.6 % / 55.6 %
  • At least one Cavern of Souls on turn 5: 33.6 % / 36.3 %
  • At least one Cavern of Souls on turn 6: 36.3 % / 38.9 %
  • At least one Cavern of Souls on turn 7: 38.9 % / 41.5 %


I've gathered some cards to the sideboard, which you can use as a starting point. The optimal sideboard always depends on the metagame.

Current Sideboard



Against control and combo decks.

Etali, Primal Conqueror


Against decks with high-mana-value cards, such as Atraxa, Grand Unifierimage.

Soul-Guide Lantern


Against graveyard recursion decks.

Tear Asunder


Against enchantments, artifacts, and nonland permanents.

Torch the Tower


Against fast aggro decks with creatures with death triggers.

Up the Beanstalk


Against control decks.

Virtue of Persistence


For grindy matchups, when the opponent is not playing with counterspells. Can be also useful against aggro, because it usually cleanly kills Heartfire Heroimage without taking damage from the death trigger, while gaining you 2 life. Can be useful as an extra removal against Deep-Cavern Batimages and then also functions as a big end game threat.

About Tommi

Building decks and playing Magic.

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Last Updated: 24 Sep 2024
Created: 30 Aug 2024
689 140 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
9 6 36 9 0
5 6 3 1 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 4.62
Recommended Lands: 30