Standard - Gruul Midrange

TCGPlayer $122
Cardmarket €101
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 19 invalid cards for this format: Rootbound Crag (XLN), Rekindling Phoenix (RIX), Pelt Collector (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN) Lava Coil (GRN), Ghalta, Primal Hunger (GNT), Llanowar Elves (GNT), Skarrgan Hellkite (RNA), Growth-Chamber Guardian (RNA), Domri, Chaos Bringer (RNA), Gruul Spellbreaker (RNA), Rhythm of the Wild (RNA), Stomping Ground (RNA), Carnage Tyrant (XLN), Deathgorge Scavenger (XLN), Sarkhan's Unsealing (M19), Vivien Reid (M19), Nullhide Ferox (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN)
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

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Creature Breakdown:


Early game ramp, gets you a turn two Rhythm of the Wildimage or Gruul Spellbreakerimage one of the best turn on plays, at worst it eats a Shockimage which means damage not going to your face


Definitely the most surprising workhorse in this deck for me, a 3/3 or 4/4 isn't uncommon and it at 4 power you start trampling over their weaker creatures



A nice fat Squadron Hawkimage this synergizes exteremly well with Rhythm of the Wildimage 2 mana drop a 3/3 and get another in hand, the redundancy seems very underrated as it allows your hand to stay full until it empties onto the board



Goodbye Settle the Wreckageimage it wasn't nice knowing ya. A mini pseudo Carnage Tyrantimage the hexproof this provides to you is vital against both control and burn as it cuts down on a lot of their instant speed moves.



A pretty effective answer against fliers, this is an effecient card. A 3/2 for 2 isnt much to scoff at.



An auto include in most red midrange decks, it trades well with all the drakes, has redundancy and and with a clogged board 4 over the top is a good move.



It's not a Stormbreath Dragonimage but it's not bad at all with a Rhythm of the Wildimage you can send 5 in the air to the face with haste which is always a beating, or just make it a 6/6 and tell Lyra Dawnbringerimage to eat her heart out.


She's big, she's hungry, and she gets on board supringly fast in this deck. If you have rhythm you should give it haste 99% of the time, the only time id consider a +1/+1 counter is if there's another ghalta on the other side.


Non-Creature Breakdown:



Counters permission based control, buffs your creatures or gives them haste, whats not to love?



The main reason this is run over Rabid Biteimage or Thrash//Threat is the exile clause. Arclight Phoeniximage? Nah Rekindling Phoeniximage? Nice try. Everyone knows a phoenix rises from the ashes not the lava.



The +1 is nice ramp and riot is a major upside. The -3 is really good if you hit 2 creatures, decent if you hit 1 and terrible if you hit 0 but overall it's normally card advantadge especially in such a creature heavy deck. The ultimate is decent but not really Domri's high point as a walker, the tokens don't trigger Rhythm of the Wildimage and getting a 4/4 is okay but grabbing creatures with the -3 and buffing them with the +1 is much more effecient.


Land Breakdown:



Synergizes well with Rootbound Cragimage I normally won't take a first turn shock if I can help it and prefer to go Forestimage into Llanowar Elvesimage or Pelt Collectorimage, especially on the play as you may be up against mono red.



If you can play this turn 2 or higher as every other land in this deck causes this to come in untapped.

image image

Turn sideways, make big creatures.

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Last Updated: 23 Jan 2019
Created: 23 Jan 2019
167 106 0

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