Arena Standard - Grove citadel

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Gift of Paradise (M19), Knight of Autumn (GRN), Overgrown Tomb (GRN), Temple Garden (GRN), Doom Whisperer (GRN), Ritual of Soot (GRN), Revival // Revenge (RNA), Godless Shrine (RNA), Bolas's Citadel (WAR), Bond of Flourishing (WAR), Scheming Symmetry (M20), Pulse of Murasa (M20), Loaming Shaman (M20), Healer of the Glade (M20), Assassin's Trophy (GRN), Sagittars' Volley (RNA), The Elderspell (WAR), Natural End (M20)
Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (23)
Side 9 cards (4 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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The goal is to use Bolas's Citadel to infinitely cast spells by dumping lands off the top with Doom Whisperer. 

The majority of the cards in the deck gain more life than their CMC, so they may be cast freely with the citadel. 


Early game revolves around chump blocking and Ritual of Soot the enemy while using lots of life gain to survive and stall.

Gilded Goose is good for reliably casting turn 3 Ritual of Soot, it isn't there to cast the citadel.

Gift of Paradise is there to ramp and ensure you have the three black mana for the Citadel. 

In clutch cases, use Revival/Revenge to grab things from the grave to gain life.

Knight of Autumn is almost always better to use for life gain or enchantment removal in this deck.

Turn 5 you usually will be in a position to cast the citadel and hopefully hitting Doom Whisperer or a Scheming Symmetry then casting it off the top if you have at least 15 life (or just desperate). Once you have gotten to that point you surveil past lands, other Doom Whisperers, Bolas's Citadels and Ritual of Soots. KEEP CASTING AND DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PLAY A LAND FROM YOUR HAND.

If you end up playing a Fabled Passage off the top of the deck, DO NOT CRACK IT, you want to wait until you hit another land on top so you can hopefully shuffle past it.

At this point Bond of Flourishing should only be used to grab lands, Doom Whisperers, Citadels  or creatures you have the mana open to cast.

Also at this point Pulse of Murasa should only be used to grab lands, or any green creature from the grave. (Grab Doom Whisperer if you don't have one on the field)

You will be surveiling a lot with Doom Whisperer, so to mitigate that Skola Grove Dancer will gain life for every land you dump into the graveyard, once you hit multiples of them you actually start coming out ahead every time you surveil. It also gives an alternate way to dump a card to the grave.


Loaming Shaman is there to shuffle every single life gain card and Scheming Symmetry back into the deck once you have the Citadel in play. If the Citadel is not in play shuffle any Bond of Flourishings back into the deck.

The winning condition is to use Revival/Revenge to half the opponents life total to 10 ( or use multiple for life gaining opponents, Loaming Shaman is good for putting those back into the deck), then activating Bolas's Citadel's ability to finish them off. This is possible to pull off in a single turn.


-Stupid Tricks to clear dead cards on top without Doom Whisperer and you have mana available.

Cast Loaming Shaman force shuffle

Skola Grove Dancer milling for 1

Fabled Passage cracking.

Suicide charge with Loaming Shaman then reviving it from the grave





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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2020
Created: 22 Feb 2020
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