Standard - Grixis Control (ROTATED)

TCGPlayer $88
Cardmarket €65
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 28 invalid cards for this format: Dragonskull Summit (XLN), Drowned Catacomb (XLN), Arguel's Blood Fast // Temple of Aclazotz (XLN), Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin (XLN), Vraska's Contempt (XLN), Torrential Gearhulk (KLD), Glimmer of Genius (KLD), Aether Hub (KLD), Spirebluff Canal (KLD), The Scarab God (HOU), Abrade (HOU), Magma Spray (AKH), Fatal Push (AER), Disallow (AER), Canyon Slough (AKH), Fetid Pools (AKH), Cut // Ribbons (AKH), Commit // Memory (AKH), Sulfur Falls (DOM), Syncopate (DOM), Fiery Cannonade (XLN), Lost Legacy (KLD), Jace's Defeat (HOU), Doomfall (HOU), Battle at the Bridge (AER), Moment of Craving (RIX), Blink of an Eye (DOM), Detection Tower (M19)
Main 60 cards (25 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Creature (5)
Land (27)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

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Grixis Control


Dimir (Blue/Black) Control is a powerful archetype and is one of the top decks in the current MTG meta.  Some control lists splash white (Esper) for Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage.  Both list have some flaws with board wipes that Grixis doesn't.

Dimir doesn't have access to quality board wipes in general.  White has access to Settle the Wreckageimage (which is able to be returned with Torrential Gearhulkimage) and Fumigateimage.  The issue with the white board wipes is that both have double white in their mana cost. 

The Dimir shell utilizes Disallowimage (double blue) at 3 mana and Vraska's Contemptimage (double black) at 4 mana.  Adding double white strains the mana base, but the power level (plus Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage) make the list attractive.

If you go with red, over white, 2 board wipes are available with Sweltering Sun and Fiery Cannonadeimage.  Sweltering Sun is the stronger board wipe at 3 mana, but poses the same issues as the white board wipes do by being double red in the mana cost.  Fiery Cannonadeimage is instant speed (meaning it can be returned with Torrential Gearhulkimage).

Red opens up other removal options for the deck. Magma Sprayimage is great for exiling threats such as Earthshaker Khenraimage, Scrapheap Scroungerimage and Champion of WitsimageAbradeimage is solid removal against artifacts as well as being able to rid boards of pesky x/3's.  Cut // Ribbonsimage offers removal for 4 damage as well as offering a late game win condition vs control lists.


CardCounterChris Grixis Control:


Counterspell Suite:


4 Disallowimage- The best 3 cost counter in the game, capable of countering any spell or ability.

2 Syncopateimage- Flexible catch all counterspell that also exiles the spell.

1- Commit // Memoryimage- While Commit // Memoryimage is not a counterspell in the traditional sense, it is very useful against Carnage Tyrantimage. Commit // Memoryimage is the main decks only form of bounce, which should be prioritized for use against enchantments, as there are no enchantment removal spells in the list.  Commit // Memoryimage is great in the late game to prevent decking and to restart a favorable control game after utilizing Lost Legacyimage out of the sideboard against control matchups.


Removal Suite:


2 Abradeimage- Artifact removal that is still able to removal smaller creatures

1 Cut // Ribbonsimage- 4 damage spell that can become a late game win condition.

3 Fatal Pushimage- Solid efficient early game removal that occasionally gets even better.

4 Magma Sprayimage- Effective early game removal that exiles.  Some of the best targets include Earthshaker Khenraimage, Scrapheap Scroungerimage, and Champion of Witsimage.

4 Vraska's Contemptimage- Black's premier removal spell.  It exiles cards to prevent them from becoming relevant from the graveyard or post Commit // Memoryimage.  It's also highly valued for its ability to remove planeswalkers.


Draw Suite:


2 Arguel's Blood Fast // Temple of Aclazotzimage- Consistent draw vs Control.  Can be used as a late game catch up mechanic via life gain against aggro.  Arguel's Blood Fast // Temple of Aclazotzimage combo's very well with The Scarab Godimage to both protect The Scarab Godimage from exile removal as well as providing 5 life every turn as The Scarab Godimage will return to the hand at the end of the opponent's turn.

1 Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage-  Allows for both card selection and filling a graveyard for The Scarab Godimage and Torrential Gearhulkimage.  When flipped, Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage allows both card advantage and selection and in the late game, its not unseen to be able to plan out turns ahead after sifting through the entire deck (as cards are placed to the bottom of the deck, it becomes unhidden knowledge to the controller).

4 Glimmer of Geniusimage- 2 cards, and energy (which is relevant with Aether Hubimage) and is instant speed (returnable with Torrential Gearhulkimage)


Creature Suite:

2 The Scarab Godimage- A sticky 5/5 for 5 that can allows extra value to be extracted by pulling your opponent's creatures (or your Torrential Gearhulkimages) to your side of the battlefield.  This ability also exiles cards, becoming even more valuable against decks that utilize their graveyards.  The Scarab Godimage also triggers scrying for card selection after putting tokens onto the battlefield.

3 Torrential Gearhulkimage- The flash allows Torrential Gearhulkimage to act as a combat trick to put a 5/6 blocker on the board.  It's more predominant function, however, is allowing you to cast instant spells out of your graveyard.  This allows it to act as both a counter or removal spell, as well as draw with Glimmer of Geniusimage.




1 Field of Ruinimage- Great for removing flipped enchantment lands, as well as being able to force a shuffle of your opponent's deck against a card hit with Commit // Memoryimage, or to keep your opponent from drawing into Approach of the Second Sunimage.

3 Aether Hubimage

2 Canyon Sloughimage

1 Dragonskull Summitimage

4 Drowned Catacombimage

2 Evolving Wildsimage

3 Fetid Poolsimage

1 Spirebluff Canalimage

4 Sulfur Fallsimage

3 Islandimage

1 Mountainimage

2 Swampimage



1 Battle at the Bridgeimage- Solid removal that also gets around indestructible effects vs aggro while providing life gain.

1 Blink of an Eyeimage- Able to bounce enchantments and potential cycles itself.

1 Doomfallimage- Able to answer hexproof threats or remove a card from your opponents hand (as well as receiving the hidden info of their hand).

3 Fiery Cannonadeimage- Flexible instant speed board wipe for only a single color source which can be pulled back by Torrential Gearhulkimage.

2 Jace's Defeatimage- Valuable for counterspell war's in control mirrors or against mono blue matchups.

1 Lost Legacyimage- Used for removing threats or counterspells vs control.

1 Moment of Cravingimage- Early game removal and healthy gain vs aggro.

4 Negateimage- Valuable vs control mirrors or against creature light decks.

1 Detection Towerimage- Valuable against hexproof creatures or mono green to counteract Blossoming Defenseimage.

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Last Updated: 28 Sep 2018
Created: 13 Jun 2018
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