Arena Standard - Fling Experiment V2

  • Deck contains 18 invalid cards for this format: Temple of Enlightenment (THB), Temple of Triumph (M21), Needleverge Pathway (ZNR), Riverglide Pathway (ZNR), Sea Gate Stormcaller (ZNR), Lutri, the Spellchaser (IKO), Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Thundering Rebuke (ZNR), Experimental Overload (M21), Opt (M21), Blitz of the Thunder-Raptor (IKO), Fire Prophecy (IKO), Whirlwind of Thought (IKO), Revitalize (M21), Swift Response (M21), Kazuul's Fury (ZNR), Raugrin Triome (IKO), Shatterskull Smashing (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (37)
Creature (6)
Land (17)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Make big Weird tokens with Experimental Overloadimage and smash your opponent's face by throwing them in their face with a Kazuul's Furyimage. Before doing that, you must exhaust your opponent and fill your graveyard with instant and sorcery spells.



Keep a healthy card advantage with Revitalizeimage and Optimage.

Control the board with Fire Prophecyimage and Thundering Rebukeimage.

Deny what you can with Jwari Disruptionimage and/or Negateimage. (Keep in mind that you might want to keep a negate to protect your weird creatures).



Maintain card advantage with Whirlwind of Thoughtimage. This card can be used to bait counterspells as well.

Control the board with Shatter the Skyimage, Blitz of the Thunder-Raptorimage and Shatterskull Smashingimage.

Fetch back spells and set small defense with Experimental Overloadimage if needed (but don't waste them too much you need big guys).

Double cast 2CMC and less spells with Sea Gate Stormcallerimage and Lutri, the Spellchaserimage.



Double cast Experimental Overloadimage with Lutri, the Spellchaserimage.

Triple cast 2CMC and less spells with Sea Gate Stormcallerimage.

Use Flingimage on a big Weird creature generated by Experimental Overloadimage. If Flingimage is in the graveyard Experimental Overloadimage can fetch it for you. It's always good to have a Negateimage on hand to protect the Weird creatures on board or to make sure your Flingimage is not countered. If you suspect the opponent wants to destroy your Weird token, wait for them to cast the spell and then cast Flingimage as a response. If you suspect the opponent can counter your Flingimage wait for a Negateimage or make sure they don't have the mana to counter it.



Don't hesitate to discard Kazuul's Furyimage when you don't need it. Experimental Overloadimage can always fetch it back if needed.

Sometimes it is worth taking damage a turn or two if it means you can get additional value out of a spell with Sea Gate Stormcallerimage. Revitalizeimage can be surprisingly good to keep your health high enough especially if you manage to double cast or even sometimes triple cast it with Sea Gate Stormcallerimage.

If you suspect the enemy will counter your Negateimage and have Lutri, the Spellchaserimage in hand, you can copy your Negateimage as a response (or you simply can copy the spell before it gets countered).

If you think the opponent runs Elspeth's Nightmareimage make sure that you preserve your counterspells because your Experimental Overloadimage will become completely useless. If they hit you with it in the early game it's not the end of the world, but if they do in the end game and you do not have complete board control or at least a strong token in play you might as well just forfeit.

Most of the time rogue decks are surprisingly easy to deal with. They help you filling your graveyard and you can slow their milling power with all the control the deck has to offer.

Swift Responseimage is mainly there to deal with big creatures. If you are certain the opponent won't run a creature over 4 or 5 toughness, you can use it for smaller ones.

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