Modern - Five Color Elementals

Main 60 cards (26 distinct)
Creature (33)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

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This is just a slight tweak on the Five Color Elementals list that has appeared recently, tweaking the mana and changing out Reviellark for Horde of Notions. Horde of Notions seems like an easy upgrade to me over Reviellark, which is itself mostly just a late game bomb that also pitches to Solitude. Horde of Notions retains the status of a late game bomb, being a 5 mana 5/5 with vigilance, trample and haste that also has the ability to bring back your elementals for 5 mana if it survives, that will still pitch for Solitude while also adding a much needed pitch for Fury and Subtelty (and Endurance, I guess), with the only major cost being that you may have a more stringent need for producing black mana. To address this I have made a slight adjustment to the fetch distribution (swapping Arid Mesa for Wooded Foothills) and then changed the Unclaimed Territories for a Raugrin and Zagoth Triome. While the Unclaimed Territories are obviously helpful in paying the immediate black mana cost on Horde of Notions, I think the Triomes are overall stricter upgrades in the way they improve the ability for your fetch lands to fix your mana colors in a deck that already can afford to play somewhat slower. Of the Triomes, Zagoth is the nicest in my opinion as a UG land that also later gives you black for Horde, and Raugrin is otherwise the color fixing MVP for the deck. You like it for Ephemerate, Flamekin Harbinger, Mariner, etc., so it is probably the best one to fetch and you can fetch either triome with any fetch. In the side I have chosen to continue the trend of swapping Reviellark for Horde, as Horde is still in my opinion more attractive to add as another pitch if you want to improve your odds of pitching for Fury or Subtelty, and I think that overall Horde is probably just better than Reviellark in most games so I would value the card higher.

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Last Updated: 18 Jul 2021
Created: 18 Jul 2021
48 62 0

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0 3 6 6 0
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