Historic - OTK Even Olives (mardu reanimator deck)

Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (21)
Side 11 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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I reached mythic with this deck. More than once. It's a unique deck, never saw someone else playing it. Imo it's competitive, because it can often win on turn 3. As simple as that...

Feel free to leave a comment, any help will be appreciated:)


This is a jank OTK deck. Turn 3 is the earliest win possible. Only for Bo1, cause cause of graveyard hate in sideboard.

OTK combo: Attack with Olivia, Crimson Bride. Put Torgaar, Famine Incarnate on the field. Reduce hp to 10, attack for 10.

Even if you play against a lifegain deck, you can OTK them with this combo.

If you have Faithless Looting and Assemble from Parts in hand, you can win on turn 3. If you can put Gyruda and/or Olivia and/or Torgaar in the graveyard. You also need 3 mana on turn 3:) (2 black minimum)

Or Priest turn 2, discard creatures on turn 1 or 3. Summon Olivia or another creature on turn 3.

Assemble from Parts is a great card. Its an activated ability so it's ability can't be countered. Also the unearth ability of Priest cannot be countered.

Worst case you go off on turn 4 with Unburial Rites.

Gyruda, Doom of Depths fills grave, can find keycards and can OTK if you hit Torgaar, Famine Incarnate.  

Massacre Wurm against aggro, OTK possible against elves, goblins:)  

Krox and Kunoros fits the theme perfectly, lifegain and menace come in handy.

Griselbrand speeds up the proces. You can activate the ability to find good cards and discard some  in the end phase, also life gain on it's own is nice.

Try this deck, it's a glask cannon! A unique combo, they won't see it coming. 

Good advice: Mulligan when you don't have a discard outlet, or when you have no red mana.







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Last Updated: 25 Nov 2023
Created: 16 Mar 2022
451 663 0

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