Arena Standard - Delina Rollers

  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Pixie Guide (AFR), Brazen Dwarf (AFR), Delina, Wild Mage (AFR), Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar (AFR), Riverglide Pathway (ZNR), Frostboil Snarl (STX), Dragon's Fire (AFR), Raid Bombardment (ANB), Contact Other Plane (AFR), Barbarian Class (AFR), Scion of Stygia (AFR), Feywild Trickster (AFR), Chaos Channeler (AFR)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (25)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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The goal of this Delina Rollers deck in standard 2022 is to get Delina, Wild Mageimage and Feywild Tricksterimage onto the battlefield, swing in with Delina, and then, depending on your luck, copy Feywild Tricksterimage as much as possible! This sequence of rolling will not only create theoretically infinite copies of Trickster if you're really lucky, but also infinite Fairie tokens!

Now that we have pulled the combo off, if all of your rampaging Tricksters don't finish off your opponent, we easily survive the swing back, because we have tons of Freaking Fairies, and then on our turn we burn the opponent down with Raid Bombardmentimage. Another win condition with a similar burn effect is winning with the initial Delina rolls by havbing a copy of Brazen Dwarfimage on the battlefield! This sequence of rolling will absolutely melt your opponents face off! :)

In order to allow us the best chance at rolling 15-20 for Delina, Wild Mageimage's ability, we have cards such as Barbarian Classimage and Pixie Guideimage. If we are having trouble drawing into what we need for the combo, Curateimage and Contact Other Plain should help!

Aside from a couple copies of Dragon's Fireimage, we don't have any removal. Fell free to take some cards out and throw possibly a Frost Biteimage in with substituted snow lands!

Lastly, another possible win condition provided to us is the 2nd Level of Barbarian Classimage will take care of most board states as long as we are rolling with Delina, and putting the ability on multiple attacking creatures!

I had a good time playing this deck on my YouTube channel @BrosephMTG! Feel free to watch the video I posted through the link provided with this deck list if you are interested! Have a freaking fantastic day!

About SleepyJoeMTG

Hey what's up guys - It's your bro Joe and welcome to my Aetherhub! I have had a few YouTube channels in the past posting new, exciting decks for Magic the Gathering and MTG Arena. Recently I have started a new, and main, channel called Sleepy Joe (@imsleepyjoe). While I plan on posting content other than MTG Arena on that channel, I will have nearly daily decks coming out on my new favorites in Standard as well as other formats (probably...). If that is something you are interested in, you can go check me out at Sleepy Joe on YouTube. If that's not your thing, no worries! You keep having fun playing Magic :)

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Last Updated: 10 Sep 2021
Created: 09 Sep 2021
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