Standard - Death of a Salesman

  • Deck contains 6 invalid cards for this format: Leyline of the Void (M20), Cauldron Familiar (ELD), Ritual of Soot (GRN), Gruesome Menagerie (GRN), Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR), Noxious Grasp (M20)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (27)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (22)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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There are a few things I enjoy more in life than massive, lategame momentum shifts. And my specific favorite flavor are the ones that allow you to respond to an opponent's boastful-yet-premature spamming of "good game" with a huge hit of noncombat damage for the one-punch KO. It's tasty, y'all. Tasty.

And so I created this mono black devotion deck specifically with that goal in mind. It's designed to allow you to slowly build a decent (but not overwhelming) board presence, while staying alive long enough to drop the salesman. What salesman, you ask? Why…he's your friend, he's my friend, he's a lover of commerce and carrier of large sacks.


The Finisher

Gary is unabashedly the target finisher of this deck. The whole goal is to wait to drop him until you have a Nightmare Shepherdimage on the board, along with a sac engine – either Witch's Ovenimage, Fiend Artisanimage, or Ayara, First of Locthwainimage. Typically, this is going to mean Gary hits the board with a healthy amount of devotion. As soon as his ability fires when he comes into play, you sac him, triggering the Nightmare Shepherdimage, and take the exile. That drops a token Gary that re-fires his ability at a devotion reduced by 2.

When I drop Gary, I average somewhere between 7-10 devotion. That means the combo, all told, hits for an average of anywhere from 12-18 (although my personal record was 24, with 13 devo). Considering you'll gain that same amount, it's enough to cause a huge swing at minimum, but will USUALLY be an instant kill. Thanks, Gary.


The stars don't always align for the Gary-and-a-soda combo, sadly. But unlike many decks that rely on him for the finish, this one can do pretty well even without him. Ayara, First of Locthwainimage pairs with a Bastion of Remembranceimage or two nicely, especially if you have the Witch's Ovenimage/Cauldron Familiarimage combo to go with it. And the Nightmare Shepherdimage's evasion + the Fiend Artisanimage upside beefiness can both potentially swing for lethal once you've managed to inflict enough tick damage with the previous combos to set it up.

And even without the Nightmare Shepherdimage giving you the immediate doubling effect on Gary, you can always drop multiple Gary's late! Ayara, First of Locthwainimage and Castle Locthwainimage are valuable draw engines to help you get Gary in hand faster, and Fiend Artisanimage will let you pull him straight from the deck.

Game Strats

With this deck, I tend to think of the game as having two main phases: prep and go.

In the prep phase, the name of the game is building to your midrange while trying to a) preserve devotion, and b) not get rekt by aggro. For mulligan strategy, I generally only care about trying to be able to curve out rather than hunting for specific pieces. Getting one or two one-drops and a Tymaret, Chosen from Deathimage or a Fiend Artisanimage out in your first few turns is critical. You are GOING to take damage here, and that's fine – you have enough lifegain in the deck to be able to sustain quite a bit. Resist the urge to block early unless it's a good trade or its with Tymaret, Chosen from Deathimage (since he's usually chonky quickly enough to be able to survive blocking).

If a serious threat hits the board, you can hit it with a Heartless Actimage or Murderous Riderimage. And once you have a Lurrus of the Dream-Denimage or Call of the Death-Dwellerimage, you can start to be a bit more liberal with your chump-blocking – especially with a Bastion of Remembranceimage or Ayara, First of Locthwainimage taxing your opponent for it even further.

In the go phase, you've hit your midrange, and it's time to start working towards the Gary-and-a-soda. Draw is super important here, so you're going to want to consider Ayara, First of Locthwainimage's ability early and often. My favorite usage is to make the chump-block with something cheap, then sac with her.

To be continued…

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Last Updated: 25 Jul 2020
Created: 05 Jul 2020
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