Arena Standard - Corrupted Humans

TCGPlayer $84
Cardmarket €17
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 12 invalid cards for this format: Kaya, Geist Hunter (VOW), Edgar, Charmed Groom // Edgar Markov's Coffin (VOW), Liesa, Forgotten Archangel (MID), Ambitious Farmhand // Seasoned Cathar (MID), Extraction Specialist (SNC), Wedding Announcement // Wedding Festivity (VOW), Intrepid Adversary (MID), Touch the Spirit Realm (NEO), Toxrill, the Corrosive (VOW), Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO), Shattered Sanctum (VOW), Secluded Courtyard (NEO)
Main 60 cards (25 distinct)
Creature (21)
Planeswalker (1)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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The Corrupted Humans

This is a fun deck that I came up with to try and get some use out of both Aron, Benalia's Ruinimage and Benalish Sleeperimage. These Phyrexian infested humans are here to have some graveyard fun. Play the Phyrexian Missionaryimage to get the sleepers back and gain some life. If you draw the Shadow-Rite Priestimage you can turn a Missionary into the dreaded Toxrill, the Corrosiveimage or Liesa, Forgotten Archangelimage. Liesa makes the sleepers a reoccurring nightmare for your oppent. If a sweeper hits, other than a farewell, cards like the Wedding Announcement // Wedding Festivityimage and Edgar, Charmed Groom // Edgar Markov's Coffinimage keep the pressure up, and the invitation helps draw some cards, along with a couple of other enchantments. There is a lot of fun angles to play in this deck, it can even go really wide, and with Aron buffing them all, it can get hairy for your opponent.

The Touch the Spirit Realmimage is my only Farewellimage protection, or in a pinch it can be used to get rid of a nasty creature your oppent has deployed to the battlefield. 

When you drop the Secluded Courtyardimage early, you should name Humans.

I love visuallizing the story being created as the deck plays out, the spreading scourge of the Phyrexian corruption upon the Humans as the Vampires cant help but dable in the new and invigoriting change coming over humaniity. 

An awesome YouTuber named Rumpley MTG played my deck. I have added the YouTube video to this deck page. If you want to see it in action just give it a watch. You should watch Rumpley MTG other video's as well as he is awesome. 

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