Standard - BWg Angels

TCGPlayer $229
Cardmarket €192
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 24 invalid cards for this format: Sunpetal Grove (XLN), Vraska's Contempt (XLN), Memorial to Folly (DOM), Isolated Chapel (DOM), Woodland Cemetery (DOM), History of Benalia (DOM), Knight of Grace (DOM), Shalai, Voice of Plenty (DOM), Lyra Dawnbringer (DOM), Knight of Malice (DOM), Resplendent Angel (M19), Overgrown Tomb (GRN) Temple Garden (GRN), Find // Finality (GRN), Mortify (RNA), Seraph of the Scales (RNA), Consecrate // Consume (RNA), Godless Shrine (RNA), Moment of Craving (RIX), Cast Down (DOM), The Eldest Reborn (DOM), Vivien Reid (M19), Assassin's Trophy (GRN), Overgrown Tomb (GRN)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (14)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

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Knights package + Angels package midrange deck splashing green for Find // Finalityimage. The "Find" half helps us grind and functions as card draw while the "Finality" half can clear the board in a pinch while keeping our favorite X/3 angel alive.

Knights Package (lower curve): Knight of Graceimage and Knight of Maliceimage turn on each other, get turned on by Seraph of the Scalesimage, and are powered up by History of Benaliaimage. The fact these knights dodge W/B removal is quite relevant as well, as it essentially only guarantees that your opponent's red removal will always work. Previously I have seen people run Adanto Vanguardimages, Tithe Takerimages, and Tocatli Honor Guardimages (which you might still want in the side board!) while I personally have enjoyed Seekers' Squireimage as a two-drop. Any and all of these are viable two-drops in an angels deck. However, the potential explosiveness of the knights are more likely to sneak in some damage from underneath slow decks and are otherwise just as good vs. aggro/board control match-ups. With all our green sources you could also consider Merfolk Branchwalkerimages or Growth-Chamber Guardianimages, though at a certain point you might as well just play a Golgari deck...

Angel Package (higher curve): The core angels package is Resplendent Angelimage, Seraph of the Scalesimage, and Lyra Dawnbringerimage. I also like to mainboard Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage as we can actually make use of her activated ability to grind out and she can seriously annoy some decks, plus buffing up first striking knights is no joke. She is easily replaced by more relevant cards in the sideboard as needed. Resplendent Angelimage is of particular consideration as a win condition: if ever you have another viable play in the early turns such as History of Benaliaimage or a knight +tapped land, I would suggest not throwing this angel to the mercy of the opponent's removal if you can help it. It also makes an incredible top-deck in the late game and an excellent target for Find // Finalityimage or Memorial to Follyimage to recur. Meanwhile, Seraph of the Scalesimage' ability to play offense/defense with vigilance is helpful in combat-centric match-ups and her deathtouch allows her to answer any threat. Be sure to activate the vigilance before the combat step, and always get in those mad style points for activating her ability when they hit her with removal.

Removal package: Consecrate // Consumeimage is a hedge vs. big creature decks that isn't dead vs. control as it can be cycled (and can even deal with Arclight Phoeniximage/Rekindling Phoeniximage), Mortifyimage can very importantly hit enchantments, and Vraska's Contemptimage hits planeswalkers and exiles. These are fine-tuned to be more efficient vs. the matchup in the sideboard. Removal is meta dependant, adjust as needed.

Sideboard: Most of the sideboard is removal, namely: Moment of Cravingimage, Cast Downimage, Assassin's Trophyimage, and The Eldest Rebornimage. Additionally, Vivien Reidimage comes in for grindy matchups where we don't feel we can aggro the opponent out (such as against other midrange decks), while Duressimage comes in vs. control, usually in replacement of some removal. There's an extra land in the sideboard in the event we side into more big spells (such as by adding in vivien's AND eldest reborns.) I generally feel I don't need a sweeper as we can hold our own in a board stall and always have access to Find // Finalityimage in the maindeck. Against white aggro decks we can hopefully defend with our first strikers while using spot removal and racing over our opponent's head with lifelinking angels. Cry of the Carnariumimage can be considered, replacing either Cast Downimages or Moment of Cravingimages if go-wide decks become a problem.

Easy cards to swap out are:

Cut 1 Mortifyimage and 1 Find // Finalityimage for 2 Moment of Cravingimage;
Cut 2 Mortifyimage for 2 Cast Downimage vs. aggro without enchantments;
Cut 3 Find // Finalityimage and 1 Mortifyimage for 2 Cast Downimage and 2 Moment of Cravingimage when you just need to survive;
I sometimes keep in Consecrate // Consumeimage and Vraska's Contemptimage even if they are expensive for the lifegain vs. red decks.
However, vs. swarm aggro decks replace 2 Consecrate // Consumeimage with 2 Cast Downimage while possibly boarding Moment of Cravingimages without cutting Find // Finalityimage. When facing a white deck that is really likes its enchantments, don't cut Mortifyimage as much and possibly cut your top end a bit.

Cut 2 Consecrate // Consumeimage for 2 The Eldest Rebornimage vs. decks with a few big threats where you don't care about lifetotal;
Cut 2 Consecrate // Consumeimage for 2 Assassin's Trophyimage for when you seriously need to kill planeswalkers;
Bring in Vivien Reidimages (and possibly the extra land) vs. midrange decks by boarding out 1-2 Lyra Dawnbringerimages, 0-1 Seraph of the Scalesimage, 0-2 Consecrate // Consumeimage, and/or 0-2 Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage depending on how much removal they have vs. how much removal you need. Optionally you can add in 2 The Eldest Rebornimage, which necessitates another land.
Generally you can trim Consecrate // Consumeimages/Vraska's Contemptimages/Mortifyimages for Cast Downimages/Assassin's Trophyimages for matchups where removal needs to be as efficient as possible but you don't need as much utility.
Feel free to cut Find // Finalityimages for extra removal if you don't need to grind through your opponents removal as much, such as vs. a Simic Climb deck.

These are a bit more complicated, as you can have up to 10 cards you might want to bring in with Duressimage, Vivien Reidimage, Assassin's Trophyimage, and The Eldest Rebornimage. In order to board these in, consider dropping any of 2 Consecrate // Consumeimage, 0-3 Mortifyimage, 0-2 Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage if they are light on spot removal and rely on sweepers and counters, 0-1 Seraph of the Scalesimage and 1-2 Lyra Dawnbringerimage if you need to go lower down the curve with your creatures.

Landbase: We run 25 lands as we only *need* to hit 3 lands guaranteed to function and prefer to hit 4 on turn 4. We can live if we don't slam our one 5-drop on turn 5. Meanwhile, we do have a 6-mana spell in Find // Finalityimage and 6-mana dumps in Resplendent Angelimage and Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage in the event that we have mana to spare or flood out. There's 18 white sources, 15 black sources, and 13 green sources. This is enough to hit 2 white on turn 3, 2 black on turns 4/5, and 2 green on turns 5/6. There's an extra BG dual land in the side board to help ensure we can hit Vraska's Contemptimage on 4 and Vivien Reidimage on 5.


This beats up on aggro pretty hard but wants to sideboard vs. control. As far as midrange decks go, this definitely has issues vs. the Sultai Krasis midrange decks as their ability to grind out value is unmatched. Our creatures do, however, have much more explosive potential - we are more interested in beating the opponent to death than we are grinding out infinite value.

I'm always trying to uncover the best angels deck!

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Last Updated: 07 Feb 2019
Created: 05 Feb 2019
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