Arena Standard - Budget Artifact Birds

Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Today we are trying to beat our opponents with 0 zero rares using budget birds! We are using both Swooping Lookoutimage and Malcator's Watcherimage and we are hoping to buff them with either Unctus's Retrofitterimage or Michiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michikoimage. We also hope to copy them with Hulking Metamorphimage to get a 3/3 version of them. We can also copy Combat Thresherimage with our Hulking Metamorphimage to get a 3/3 doublestriker. To combo with the prototypes we are running Touch the Spirit Realmimage so we can remove artifacts and creatures or blink our prototypes to upgrade them. We are using Stern Lessonimage to draw, ramp, increase our artifact count with the powerstone and discard our prototypes which we can return with our 2 copies of Repair and Rechargeimage. Hulking Metamorphimage is the ideal target for these blink and reanimate effects because with it and our other creatures we can either have a vigilant 7/7 flyer or a 7/7 double striker. Lastly, Unctus's Retrofitterimage also works well with Combat Thresherimage to turn it into a 4/4 double striker.

Watch until the end of the video to see my suggestion on how to improve the deck.

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Last Updated: 24 Mar 2023
Created: 24 Mar 2023
200 85 0

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