Arena Standard - Boros Blade | Equipment Stack ☀️🔥

TCGPlayer $87
Cardmarket €17
Cardhoarder 4 Tix
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Creature (16)
Land (22)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Boros Blade


This Boros Blade deck is a powerful and aggressive archetype that utilizes a combination of fast creatures and efficient artifact-based  spells. This decklist focuses on using the interaction between creature and equipment to generate huge amounts of damage.


At its core, the deck is designed to curve out with a series of cheap, efficient creatures like Rabbit Batteryimage or Bladegraft Aspirantimage, backed up by powerful artifact-based equipment. Eater of Virtueimage provides the deck with a key card to keep the pressure on, while Lion Sashimage gives the deck a way to remove cards from the graveyard.


Overall, this Boros Deck is a fast and aggressive archetype that is capable of putting a lot of pressure on the opponent from the early turns of the game. It is well-suited for players who enjoy playing an aggressive, artifact-based strategy and who are looking for a way to generate a lot of damage quickly.


Wth both Bladehold War-Whipimage  and Bladegraft Aspirantimage a lot of you equiptment will be reduced in cost if not just free to use which can make your battlefield recovery and bounce back really quick. So far its been a real fun deck to play so I've rushed it up here to share with everyone.


A better write up will be upcoming once i've had more time to test it out.



Feel free to comment if you'd like to see more of my themed decks, and please link here and give me a shout out if you use this deck and have fun.


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Last Updated: 21 Feb 2023
Created: 11 Feb 2023
114 36 0

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