Arena Standard - Blightfang Machine Gun

  • Deck contains 15 invalid cards for this format: Zagoth Triome (IKO), Ram Through (IKO), Tajuru Blightblade (ZNR), Glasspool Mimic (ZNR), Agadeem's Awakening (ZNR), Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose (M21), Rabid Bite (ZNR), Bloodchief's Thirst (ZNR), Marauding Blight-Priest (ZNR), Fabled Passage (ELD), Blood Beckoning (ZNR), Mire Triton (THB), Hooded Blightfang (M21), Chevill, Bane of Monsters (IKO), Foulmire Knight (ELD)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (15)
Creature (26)
Land (19)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Trying to abuse Hooded Blightfangimage.  It's a super fun card to build around.  The goal here is obviously to get a few cheap deathtouch units out followed by as many Hooded Blightfangs as possible. Top it off with a Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Roseimage, maybe a stack of Marauding Blight-Priestimage and swing in for lethal damage before they even get a chance to block.  Watch those triggers ping away!  My record is 32 pings before blocking damage even takes place, Sadly..... they never let it resolve before conceding. 

If you're forced on the defensive, do what you can to stabilize the board.  Use your judgement to play the 9x removal spells wisely, accept some early damage and work your way into a board stall position.  One you have your board build up, you should be able to tell when the right time to swing is.  Remember Math is fun!

Glasspool Mimicimage is the jank here...  It's only good target is the Hooded Brightfang so don't feel bad about casting one in your opening hand if you need the mana.  However, the deck tops out at 3 if you don't count Agadeem's Awakeningimage so if you have a blue mana and can get to 3, it's worth it to hold onto it. Our true mana curve wants us to get to six mana (3b,2G,1U) which then allows us to bring back our board.  

Vito has a nice early game synergy with Mire Tritonimage and Chevill, Bane of Monstersimage getting a few extra points of damage at the opponents face.  Chevill works well if you get a few Rabid Biteimage and Ram Throughimage. Mire Triton feeds your graveyard for the 6x return from graveyard spells.  Marauding Blight-Priest's can stack multiple copies on the board, and Vito can give everything lifelink so that even IF they get the chance to block, they're in for another round of pings to the face.

I learned early on in this brew that Hooded Blightfang is not going to stick around long.  Thankfully, he survives most burn and -1/-1 counter attacks by being a 1/4.  Having the ability to fetch him back from the graveyard is crucial to this deck.  At 4 mana, Blood Beckoningimage allows you to bring any unit back from the graveyard and play it, or fetch two units to your hand. Agadeem's Awakening at 6 will usually get you a Hooded Blightfang, a Chevill, and a Tajuru Blightbladeimage or a Foulmire Knightimage.

Bloodchief's Thirstimage is a flexible 3x removal slot. I've tried Feed the Swarmimage here for the ability to remove enchantments as well.  But I like being able to drop a Hooded Blightfang on turn 4, remove what ever pesky blocker they have in the way for 1 mana and swing in getting those pings rolling.

This is definitely not a Tier 1 deck.  Although it does have a decent match up against some Rogue decks.  Our weaknesses (other than laughable brewing) are indestructible creatures and decks that don't play units.  Also....... Ugin.

The mana base is probably horrible and I apologize.  This is V5 of my Blightfang brews and the first to incorporate Glasspool Mimic, which honestly set this deck above the rest.  This brought the deck into Blue and Away from Red.  Zagras, Thief of Heartbeatsimage is cool, but it just wasn't connecting. If you have suggestions to improve the mana base, please comment.  

Thanks for checking it out!  Hope you have fun, and it inspired you to try

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Last Updated: 29 Oct 2020
Created: 29 Oct 2020
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