Pauper - Azorius Prison

Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Cheers Friend,

I made this deck for the historic pauper event going on today 3/28/2020 and succesfully went 12-2.

I'm currently in the process of updating this deck for Iko.

The mvps of the deck are for sure Flicker of Fateimage and Brine Giantimage. Flicker of Fateimage is incredible in this deck. Use it for draw acceleration with Omen of the Seaimage or Cloudkin Seerimage. It's also an excellent defense card when used to stop attacking creatures or if used to remove counters from an enemy creature.

About virtuousprime

There was a man who tamed horses in a small village with his son. One day after working with the horses his son accidently left the gate open and all of the horses had left by the morning. Once the news got out the locals lined up to this man, they told him how sorry they were for his misfortune and that this was truly a bad omen. "Maybe" the man said in response to the locals. The next morning the man was awoken by his son who seemed to be in a panic of sorts. The son explained to the father that the horses had returned! The man walked outside to see that not only had their horses returned, but the horses also brought back wild horses with them as well. The mans horse stock was now more than double what it previously was. All the village folk cheered for this man and told him he was truly fortunate to have such a blessing. The man shrugged his shoulders as he replied "Maybe".The following day the man was inside his cottage making stew for himself and his son. The casual stirring was abruptly ended when the man heard a shriek coming from outside. The man checked to see what had happened to find his son laying on the ground with a broken leg. "One of the new horses bucked me off while we were training" explained the son. The man went in to town to find medicine for his son. When he explained what had happened the towns people told him of how tragic his situation is. With a smile the man said "Maybe". The next day two soldiers came to the mans house and told him the country was being invaded, there's a draft and his son has been picked. "He can't fight, he just broke his leg yesterday" explained the man. The soldiers left, his son stayed home. The villagers all told him how lucky that was. "Maybe" he said.



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Last Updated: 08 May 2020
Created: 28 Mar 2020
542 152 0

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