Standard - Artisan's Oven

  • Deck contains 12 invalid cards for this format: Overgrown Tomb (GRN), Midnight Reaper (GRN), Priest of Forgotten Gods (RNA), Blood Crypt (RNA), Stomping Ground (RNA), Massacre Girl (WAR), God-Eternal Bontu (WAR), Mayhem Devil (WAR), Cauldron Familiar (ELD), Massacre Girl (WAR), Noxious Grasp (M20), Act of Treason (M20)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Hey everyone, this is my take on the future of Cat Oven with the new Ikoria cards! 


As soon as I seen Fiend Artisanimage I knew this card was going in Cat Oven deck. So, I think this card is good - as everyone does. I will

say though the first part of the card will be hardly relevant at least in this deck most of the time. We want to be podding our cats into 

Mayhem Devilimage if we don't have it already. Another card I wanted to include is Luminous Broodmothimage that's right, we got Mothra! I

love the text on this card as much as I love old school Mothra on strings. I have tested this out for a couple of days and have come to

the conclusion that even as a tutor card it's probably just not good enough compared to Midnight Reaperimage. I exclused the other card

Lurrus of the Dream-Denimage for a similar reason, it just doesn't feel right at the moment. Our silver bullet is God-Eternal Bontuimage

if we have a Mayhem Devilimage out we can tutor for this guy and sac everything and win the game. There are similar decks that are

using Bolas's Citadelimage and Mayhem Devilimage to blow the opponent out but this is way more fun and we'll just assume the opponent

has no idea what a Whirlwind Denialimage is, monkaS. Priest of Forgotten Godsimage can be really hilarious if you have reaper out as well.

This card makes Dream Trawlerimage look like a joke a lot of the time.



Duressimage Gets rid of aether gust and other pesky cards, it's low to the ground, I like it.


Noxious Graspimage here for nissas's, uro's, what have you.

Embereth Shieldbreakerimage We're bound to be in a cat meta for a while so these will be useful.

Massacre Girlimage another copy if opponent is playing a little too many creatures than we would like.

Scorching Dragonfireimage very versatile card that can exile other titans when they've first been cast.

Act of Treasonimage in here to be a beefier claim the first born


This deck is a work in progress and I will update it frequently, at the moment this is what i've came to.



About Muushy

Decks from jank to rank.

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Last Updated: 18 Apr 2020
Created: 06 Apr 2020
456 236 0

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9 5 1 0 0
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