Pioneer - ARTISAN(Pioneer)_BOROS Legion

TCGPlayer $17
Cardmarket €11
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
Main 60 cards (13 distinct)
Creature (27)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Land (23)
Maybeboard 1 cards (1 distinct)

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We take their own formats and break down the costs and still have fun. That's what we do. These ARTISAN(Pioneer) decks are meant for being payed with friends who are fed up with a game of magic being decided on turn 4, because they missed their land drop or there opponent is playing the most power crept card in the format.


I am taking the Boros Guild, defining what the decks wants to do based on the mechanics available and try to make the best of it.

Mentor: When attacking, put a +1/+1 counter on a fellow attacking creature with less power
Battalion: While attacking with TWO OTHER creatures: Profit.

So this deck will be all about attacking and pushing through, which is the basic form of aggro. Many 1CMC creatures, 2CMC that have value and maybe some value 3CMC creatures, backed up with a bit of combat tricks

The most impressive card in MY recent memory is Heroic Reinforcements and that card wants many, MANY low cost creatures and since WoTC is increasing the powerlevel of the game, we won't have to dig too far in the past for decent and aggressiv 1CMC beaters.

Boros Elite, Skymarcher Aspirant and Goblin Banneret should not be underestimated, they can grow huge in a very short time.
Boros Challenger and Tenth District Leggionaire are decent bodies, that can get hard to block. Sunholme Stalwart is also decent in attacking with his first strike, but is mainly in the deck to help grow some 1 ATK pips on the way.
Militia Bugler gets more back-up so we don't run out of gas.

Defiant Strike is there to either buff up a mentor creature or beef up Tenth District Legionnaire.
Boros Charm is our finisher and Heroic Reinforcements is self explanitory.


- 12 sources creature-mana create a 86% chance of turn 1 and 90% chance of turn 2 color fixing
- 11 sources of colored spell mana should do the trick with 92% chance of color fixing on turn 3 for combat tricks

- With 23 lands in total there is about a 86% to get the 3rd land on the play and on the draw about 92% for the 3rd land.

- Dealing with flooding on lands: Boros Challenger and Goblin Banneret have activated abilities, so a few more lands on the field shouldn't hurt that much. On top of that, Militia Bugler gets ALL creatures in the deck and Defiant Strike helps smooth out. You never know, maybe you draw a Heroic Reinforcements and you need 6 lands to play a 2CMC card, then the Heroic.


Like all aggressiv decks, it will struggle against a shit ton of removal or absolutely bonkers huge creatures. The goal is to outmaneuver obsticles and punch with what ever it got. However, don't mindlessly dump the creatures and hope for the best. Combat tricks are there for the extra reach and the extra draw effect should be used to wait for the right timing.

I will be building several flavorful 60 card artisan decks, with mechanics i deem strong enough to built around. Keep an eye out for the next one.

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Last Updated: 08 Jan 2021
Created: 31 May 2020
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Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
4 34 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
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