Standard - Gruul Proliferate [Updated 5/1]

  • Deck contains 22 invalid cards for this format: Rootbound Crag (XLN), Llanowar Elves (M19), Pelt Collector (GRN), Growth-Chamber Guardian (RNA), Domri, Chaos Bringer (RNA), Gruul Spellbreaker (RNA), Rhythm of the Wild (RNA), Stomping Ground (RNA), Ilharg, the Raze-Boar (WAR), Bloom Hulk (WAR), Mowu, Loyal Companion (WAR), Evolution Sage (WAR), Domri, Anarch of Bolas (WAR), God-Eternal Rhonas (WAR), Domri's Ambush (WAR), Karn's Bastion (WAR), Legion Warboss (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN), Lava Coil (GRN), Crushing Canopy (GRN), Cindervines (RNA), Vivien's Arkbow (WAR)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (27)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (5)
Planeswalker (4)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 8 cards (4 distinct)

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**EDIT** (5/1)

-Consolidated planeswalkers into 3x Domri, Anarch of Bolasimage for ramp and removal

-Went down 1 Domri's Ambushimage and up 2 Shockimage, tinkering with removal

-Added back 2 copies of Rhythm of the Wildimage because I enjoyed its interaction with Evolution Druid and Mowu, Loyal Companionimage. Added 3 llanowar elves to and went down one pelty to have a more consistent opening (with a possible turn 2 Rhythm of the Wildimage

-Found myself wishing I had more cards in the past, putting Growth-Chamber Guardianimage back in to see if it helps. 

Future Considerations:

-Optimizing removal

-Optimizing 1-mana slot

-Swapping Skaargan Hellkite back in if the gods don't deliver.


Share your suggestions in the comments! Ideally by sharing strong/ weak points or suggested subs.


If you want additional inspiration here are some other decks I've been tinkering with-

Dog-Bow Midrange

Mowu, Apex Doggo

God-Eternal Naya Proliferate


Below are my thoughts before WAR released




Basically what I’m hoping to play once WAR comes out. The theory behind this deck is to play good creatures that can get their own +1/+1 counters like Pelt Collectorimage, Growth-Chamber Guardianimage and creatures with riot like Gruul Spellbreakerimage complemented with means of proliferation, specifically Bloom Hulkimage, Evolution Sageimage, and Karn’s Bastion

Cards that don’t fall into +1/+1 generators / proliferate cards-

Mowu, Loyal Companionimage will hopefully ETB with a +1/+1 counter with two copies each of Rhythm of the Wildimage and Domri, Chaos Bringerimage, but if it doesn’t I’ve included two copies of Domri’s Ambush to give it that initial counter before proliferate takes it away. Because this is a little harder to pull off I’ve only included 2 copies to minimize any clunkiness. 

Ilharg, the Raze-Boarimage - No clue if this will work well in this deck but since Gruul has so many tools to give a creature haste I’ve subbed out a copy of Skarrgan Hellkiteimage to keep the classic Gruul Mid-Range high-end intact. The dream is to bring out a Bloom Hulkimage as a bulky body that proliferates when it enters the battlefield (ETB), serves as a sizable 4/4 attacker, and can be re-used later if it isn’t killed.

Finale of Devastationimage mainly included as a fun-of with the potential to translate being flooded into a decent sized creature (probably with haste). Time will tell if it fits well into gruul midrange!

Planeswalkers- since we’re running proliferate the uncommon planeswalkers become significantly more viable, but I minimized the number to limit non-creature draws while still having some utility.

Anarch of Bolas serves to increase our creatures threat as well as recurrent removal as we proliferate. TBD if it is worth including.

Kiora, Behemoth Beckonerimage - Card draw/ ramp via untapping one of our lands after use, general utility planes walker that I’m excited to try out!

Domri, Chaos Bringerimage - An additional way to refuel and give our creatures riot that dont normally have it. Might have a chance of using his Ult with as much proliferate as we have.


Land Base- Standard Gruul Mid-Range (without chainwhirler) but I subbed out the guild gates to make room for two Karn’s Bastion to get more proliferate on demand later in the game.


Side-board: 2 Kraul Harpoonerimage to deal with decks with plenty of flyers. Likely should be in the main-deck depending on the meta but I wanted to lean hard into counters/ proliferate. 

2 Krenko, Tin Street Kingpinimage in place of Legion Warbossimage against control that can get a counter on itself AND quickly create a threatening board state with a ton of 1/1 goblins (that works well with Domri, Anarch of Bolasimage).

Cindervinesimage Classic include against spell/enchantment dependent decks.

Lava Coilimage Creature-specific removal that works against particuarly pesky cards.

Fiery Cannonadeimage for wide board states, most of our creatures will be tough enough to survive.

Vivien’s Arkbow for turning lands into more useful draws for longer/ grindy games.


Maybe board:

2 Vivien Reidimage Should probably be in the main/side-board, but with all the new planes walker removal I’m cautious about paying 5 for a planeswalker, 4-cost Domri is already borderline. Plus we have cards like Vivien’s Archbow and Kiora, Behemoth Beckonerimage to give us additional draw/value without slowing us down too much.

Bond of Flourishingimage *Might* be an auto-include in green decks if aggro is king, but for this decklist I’m worried it might be too slow. Also not sure what I would cut to make room.

Rekindling Phoeniximage It doesn’t have inherent synergy with proliferate so I’ve left it out buuuutt until standard rotates any mid-range deck that runs red will likely want this main-decked. TBD if proliferate does enough for us that this card isn’t necessary, but I imagine I’ll be including this back in the future.

Let me know what you think about this decklist and what WAR cards you’re excited to brew with in Gruul lists! If you suggest adding a card also including what you’d take OUT would be great!


Best of luck at Pre-Release!

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@CrasyChimp I just posted my decklist if you want to check it out and give some advice.
@earl_the_terror Yeah I was skeptical about Anarch of Bolas in general until I play-tested him in other gruul decks. If I end up taking out domri's ambush I could see courage in crisis being handy! Never been a huge fan of Burning-Tree Vandal, but I might tinker around with it if I think I need to speed up!
I actually woke up last night thinking I bet Gruul Riot/Proliferation would be good or at least fun to play. I personally think the Rhythm of the Wild and Domri, Chaos Bringer are great additions to this deck. I'm on the fence about Domri, Anarch of Bolas but I need to playtest. You might look at including Collision/Colossus, Burning-Tree Vandal, and Courage in Crisis. From testing WBG & BG Proliferate, I think the idea of riot based creatures would strong and maybe quicker.
@Nak77 Yeah I'll keep adjusting as I playtest. Suggestions?
@DeadlyDinoDung Basically because on an empty board I'd be much happier with a 4/4 body that has an upside of proliferating vs. a weak 2/2. TLDR, lower floor on the pollenbright, but you could make an argument to sub out Zhur-Taa for pollenbright
performs really really bad. Fun but not worth playing it.
What about playing Pollenbright druid instead of bloom hulk since it lets you choose between a +1/+1 counter and proliferating
not bad
Last Updated: 03 May 2019
Created: 22 Apr 2019
20406 2744 8

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
21 11 23 5 0
1 6 8 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.89
Recommended Lands: 25