Historic - Apex of Power

TCGPlayer $15
Cardmarket €10
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
Main 60 cards (13 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Creature (4)
Planeswalker (4)
Land (25)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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 Hello everyone, im casual player in MTGA.

What i like about Magic The Gathering is that it allow you to play various unusual way. When you think about red decks in general it is common to be cheap aggro creature deck like RDW. But i like to do something opposite - to play super expensive spell deck and i have a lot of fun in that.

So the main idea behind this deck is to finish your opponent by casting Apex of Power that give you 10 mana and dig into the deck for 7 cards witch you want to find Banefire or fight with fire and cast them into opponents face. Sometimes if you have more mana its possible to cast something else.

Another core card of this deck is Jaya Ballard who is working as our primal mana-generator for casting expensive spells. She also can be some card selection with her second plus ability and her ultimate works too, allowing to cast bane fire or fight with fire again. Jaya Ballard and fight with fire was clearly designed to play together, because Jaya costs 5 mana, then you play land next turn and you can kick fight with fire for 10 dmg. Other card in this deck helps cast Jaya asap and protect her a little.

Wily Goblinimage is one of the best ramp card - cheap and early body for block and protect you or Jaya.
Trove of Temptationimage In previous build i used Pirate's Pillageimage, but ended to swap it for Trove. Its simply better and give you more mana. Yes, we lose some card selection, but for this we have Jaya.
Jaya Ballardimage - key card in the deck, not only she provide mana boost and card selection, but also possible to ultimate her and at this stage its almost guarantee to win a game.
Banefireimage and Fight with Fireimage - main way to finish an opponent. Fight with Fire works great with Jaya, this cards was designed to play together and with Apex of Power it works good too.
Jaya's Immolating Infernoimage - a slightly better Banefire - cost one more mana but hits 3 targets, can clean a board. Downside is that you need Jaya on board.
Risk Factorimage - after some testing i found this card fitting very well. Its simply deal 4 damage to opponent for 3 mana or late game draws you card if opponent cant allow to take more hits.
Apex of Powerimage - This card provide a lot of card selection and give you enough mana to finish a game. Very fun to play.


Mana curve could be like casting Wily Goblin into Trover of Temptation into Jaya. Could also switch shock for more Fiery Cannonade and Lava Coil. 25 land must have for all expensive spells.


There a lot of possible playable card for this deck like Treasure map, Runaway Steam-kin, Captain Lannery Storm, maybe power shard.


Thank you for read and have fun.

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This deck was made for standart BO1, i think its not great in historic meta game :(
Last Updated: 25 Jan 2022
Created: 07 Apr 2019
460 194 1

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