Arena Standard - Blightfang Gunners V2

  • Deck contains 14 invalid cards for this format: Boot Nipper (IKO), Foulmire Knight (ELD), Typhoid Rats (ANB), Glasspool Mimic (ZNR), Agadeem's Awakening (ZNR), Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose (M21), Malakir Rebirth (ZNR), Feed the Swarm (ZNR), Bloodchief's Thirst (ZNR), Marauding Blight-Priest (ZNR), Blood Beckoning (ZNR), Mire Triton (THB), Hooded Blightfang (M21), Clearwater Pathway (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (17)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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V1 can be found here:

This is the second published version of this deck, 7th Hooded Blightfangimage brew I've tried.  After some constructive criticisim from my last brew, everybody recommended getting rid of green.  I had the green leftover from an RGB brew featuring Zagras, Thief of Heartbeatsimage and mana dorks.  I really miss Ram Throughimage and it's instant speed, but Feed the Swarmimage is a good fit in the recent meta, allowing you to get rid of problematic enchantments as well as just units.

The goal here is to get as much early damage through as possible with our 1 and 2 drops, which is fairly easy because most people don't want to block them.  Then we want to develop a boardstall until we have at least 2 Hooded Blightfangs and a hopefully a couple clerics.  Once the math lines up, swing in for lethal machine gun ping damage before the opponent even has a chance to declare blockers.  My personal record is 32 pings (and 16 life gained) in a single swing, but anytime I've been lined up for more, the opponent concedes. 

Let's go over the choices:

Foulmire Knightimage - 1 drop deathtouch with late game card draw

Typhoid Ratsimage - More 1 drop deathtouch units.  We want a fairly good chance of drawing these units often so we have early plays and to ensure Agadeem's Awakening hits all 3 units.

Boot Nipperimage - I've tried casting this with lifelink over and over again thinking to get synergy with our clerics... Stick with Deathtouch.

Mire Tritonimage - The lifegain from this card has won me matches... just sayin'.  Units in our graveyard are easier to find than if they are buried in the deck.

Hooded Blightfangimage - The star of the show, the engine, the giant uncircumsized dick that gets this deck in action.  Our greatest weakness is not finding this card in time.

Glasspool Mimicimage - The jank of the deck, but what makes it shine as well.  We really only want to be copying the Snake, but Marauding Blight-Priest can work in a pinch.  Mire Triton is a distant third choice.  Don't hesitate to use as a mana if required.

Marauding Blight-Priestimage - Doubles the amount of ping damage.  These can stack, so we want more in the deck than Vito.  Once you have 2 Hooded Blightfangs out, these are usually more valuable.  A third snake will get you up to 6 pings this turn (9 next), 2 snakes and a cleric gets you up to 8 pings this turn.  Remember... Math is fun!  

Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Roseimage - Another way to double the amount of ping damage, Quadruples/Quintuples? it if you are able to give everything lifelink.  The lifegain damage works synergistically with Mire Triton.  I've won several games by just giving a few units lifelink and swinging in.

Bloodchief's Thirstimage - Cheap removal that is flexible and able to remove any unit.

Feed the Swarmimage - Cheap yet powerful removal that is also able to hit problematic enchantments.  Luckily we usually gain more than enough life to make the downside bearable.  I've dropped my own lifetotal down to 2 before by playing this on a Shark Typhoon, only to swing in and be back up at 11 by the end of the same turn.   All time favorite hit?  Turn 4 Song of Creation.

Malakir Rebirthimage - Hooded Blightfang is a major target.  Trying to get it to stick around longer.  I've also had this work nicely allowing Mire Triton trigger it's ETB effect with a Vito on board. Or swung in with a Lifelink Boot Nipper, gain some life, deal damage with Vito, and then come back to life with Deathtouch so it can actually be of use.  DO NOT CAST on Glasspool Mimic if it is the last unit in play.

Blood Beckoningimage - Staying power.  For 4 mana, you can either play any unit from the graveyard, or bring any 2 units back to your hand.  80% of the time, I'm only bringing 1 unit back, usually the Snake or a Mimic. 

Agadeem's Awakeningimage - Bring back 3 units for 6 mana. Allows you to turn board stalls into lethal damage.

Mana Base: 17 + 11 Modal Lands.  Enough blue to usually find it by the time we need it.  No dual lands, because we don't want lands coming in tapped.  


Thanks for checking out my brew.  Always looking for feedback!

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Fun jank. Sucks that deathtouch decks are too dependent on Blightfang. I am wondering if a couple tutors might help?
Last Updated: 01 Nov 2020
Created: 01 Nov 2020
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