Planeswalker (2) | |||
$0.74€0.710.02 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19) | |||
$0.20€0.100.03 | ||
$0.21€0.090.03 | ||
$0.25€0.080.03 | ||
$0.22€0.080.03 | |||
$0.24€0.120.03 | |||
$0.22€0.130.03 | |||
$0.25€0.070.03 | |||
$0.27€0.180.02 | |||
Creature (15) | |||
$2.33€0.590.02 | |||
$0.190.03 | |||
$0.40€0.280.02 | |||
$0.20€0.100.03 | |||
$0.20€0.070.03 | |||
$3.998.86 | |||
Land (24) | |||
$0.54€0.600.02 | |||
$0.19€0.030.05 | ||
$12.42€11.970.96 | |||
$0.17€0.040.05 | ||
$0.42€0.240.02 | |||
$5.50€4.180.15 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsI like themed decks. This is a themed deck straight out of a fairy tale! We've got dwarfs, fairies, princes and princesses, castles, wizards, merchants, bottomless bags, and a dragon! It's so much fun to play!
The main idea is to draw extra cards - or better a second card - per turn. Our threats trigger when we draw. With that we can get a small engine going. We draw a card, a threat does something and we either hope to draw another draw card or another threat.
The deck video shows a previous version without Bag of Holding and one more Merchant of the Vale and Winged Words.
The main threats are our wizard Irencrag Pyromancer and the dwarf and fearie duo Improbable Alliance. The pyromancer can reliably dish out damage and has a good blocker body. The dwarf and faerie help clog up the field for blocking and going wide. Faerie Vandal is a tall threat - a flash flyer that grows permanently when we draw. Having flash makes him really really good: Either play him safe in the opponents end step to immediately grow and attack with him or block a pesky attacking 1/1. Niv-Mizzet, Parun is in there as a one-off. He's expensive and has very strict mana requirements. But when he lands he lands!
Now to get to and trigger our threats we have a lot of cheap card draw and scrying. Obviously there is Opt and Omen of the Sea. Cloudkin Seer is another flyer that lets us draw and has a decent body. For full flavor it should be a Tome Raider. But that one has worse stats for the same effect. Because we have a lot of flyers we can also play Winged Words most of the time for cheap. Nothing better than playing a Vandal on the opponents end step and then drawing with the same two lands two cards, growing the Vandal and attacking!
The Royal Scions are a powerful planeswalker - or pair of planeswalkers? It's a nice feeling to tick them up to draw a card, make a wall of fairies and scorching the opponent with a pyromancer! The wall of faeries also provides very good protection for our royal children.
The Merchant of the Vale is the odd one in the bunch. But he serves his purpose. Drawing a card for one mana to trigger another efect cheaply really helps in the early turns. Plus a 2/3 body is decent as well. Lategame the merchant and Improbable Alliance can be used to draw even more and dig for stuff.
Bag of Holding is a cheap early passive play for repeatable card draws and the occasional option to get back some of our discarded stuff. With this artifact it is easy to trigger our threats reliably per turn. And for two mana often more than one threat is triggered.
Now, removal. We've got our pyromancer as the reusable source of removal. But three damage is at times not enough. To add to that we have other cheap removal in the form of a pair of each of Shock and Lava Coil as "hard removal". And two Brazen Borrower and the odd Unsummon for tempo and "soft removal" - basically to get counters of off things and forcing the opponent to replay his cards. All our drawing should get us to these cards eventually.
Cards that kill this deck are things that tinker with our card draws. Without that there's barely any "oomph" left. In particular I'm looking at you, Narset, Parter of Veils and Underworld Dreams!
Other cards that were previously in the deck are Murmuring Mystic (too expensive and too rarely triggered), Radical Idea (Omen of the Sea is strictly better), Cavalcade of Calamity (did not work at all), more Unsummons instead of Brazen Borrower (the body and "any opponent's permanent" helps), no Lava Coil (really need that four damage). Weirdly Thrill of Possibility also did work that well.
23 | 10 | 16 | 4 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |