Arena Standard - Mazuku94's Sorin Aggro

TCGPlayer $74
Cardmarket €65
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Isolated Chapel (DOM)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (30)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Planeswalker (4)
Land (22)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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currently i play 2 skeleton 2 zombie, and they both got their points. That i can cast the skeleton anytime also enables alot of play with playing the Priest at the enemy's phases. Both are does work in their own way. One is the better 1mana drop, the other one has a way more stable mana base and more play potential. Everyone should decide for themself ^^atleast i understand now why ppl would take gutterbones
@Demikun Honestly, if you aren't able to deal a point of damage in a turn then I think you're already losing too much for a 2 mana 1/1 from the graveyard to help. But feel free to use Reassembling Skeleton instead and decide for yourself which you think works better.
OK so from my experience so far i see it like that:
Considering a strong early Aggro gutterbones is better. Simply for the fact that the initial cost ist 1 mana vs 2, and having 2power and not 1 is also a pretty big impact. However due to massive removal decks out there, i find myself often without my Priest, so getting my gutterbones back on the battlefield can be a HUGE problem. I had alot of games where i couldn't meet the req to return gutterbones and/or mana problems.
How would you sideboard this deck?
@Demikun That 1 extra power can be a big deal in an aggro deck like this. Also, considering Gutterbones as a cost of 3 is a bit flawed because you can pay those costs on separate turns. Technically it's a total of 3 but that's not the same as a cost of 3.
yeah the initial cost is lower, but the returning cost is higher (3 vs 2 cost) +you need to hit the enemy to return it
I swapped out a couple tithes for Bontu, kefnet, severed strands, I think they synergize well and give you more power / removal.
@Demikun because gutterbones is a one mana drop, and the whole point is to get creatures out that he can sac quicker.
Can someone explain me why Merchant choose gutterbones and not Reassemling Skeleton? yeah it has 1 atk less but u can get him back for 2 mana (not 3 as gutterbones) and u don't need to do anything to get it back.
Last Updated: 05 May 2019
Created: 03 May 2019
26650 6079 9

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