Pioneer - $40 Dredgeless Dredge

TCGPlayer $17
Cardmarket €14
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (20)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Dredgeless Dredge


Today, we are looking at a really good deck. Recently, this deck has been preforming pretty good at tourneys. I would say that some of the most important cards are Grisly Salvageimage, Gurmag Anglerimage, and Prized Amalgamimage.


Our first part is our creatures. These are how we will beat down our opponents or get cards into our graveyard. Gurmag Anglerimage can often be played for 1-3 mana, which is great value for a 5/5. Haunted Deadimage isn't really impressive when it comes to the body. A 2/2 that comes with a 1/1 flier. The good part is it's ability. It lets us throw cards into our graveyard from our hand and lets us recur it from our graveyard. That means we can throw a 2/2 and 1/1 flier onto the battlefield at instant speed for just 2 mana! Narcomoebaimage can pretty much be just played for free from our library to graveyard and also activates Prized Amalgamimage. Prized Amalgamimage is also pretty much just a free 3/3 that can come out from Narcomoebaimage, Haunted Deadimage, or Scrapheap Scroungerimage. Satyr Wayfinderimage can throw cards into our graveyard and also search for lands. Scrapheap Scroungerimage can be played from the graveyard, but more importantly, can activate Prized Amalgamimage.


Next up, our instants and sorceries! Creeping Chillimage is literally just a free "drain your opponent for 3." It can quickly gain us life against Mono-R aggro or deal the last bits of damage to our opponents. Driven // Despair can draw us cards or if it ends up in our graveyard, it can discard our opponents entire hand. Gather the Packimage can get us a Gurmag Anglerimage and load up our graveyard. Grisly Salvageimage lets us dig through our deck for creatures we need or a land drop. It also fills our graveyard. Tome Scourimage lets us fill our graveyard with 5 cards for just 1 mana. Treasure Cruiseimage can also often draw 3 cards for 1 mana, which is AMAZING!


Our lands are really simple and cheap, hope you enjoy my deck!


About unicornturtle

Fun budget decks & combos!

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Last Updated: 08 Apr 2020
Created: 29 Dec 2019
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