Arena Standard - 🔵⚫🔴🟢 4-Color Olivia Reanimator

  • Deck contains 15 invalid cards for this format: Shambling Ghast (AFR), Deadly Dispute (AFR), Culling Ritual (STX), Eyetwitch (STX), Darkbore Pathway (KHM), Blightstep Pathway (KHM), Koma, Cosmos Serpent (KHM), Crippling Fear (KHM), Clearwater Pathway (ZNR), Necrotic Fumes (STX), Confront the Past (STX), Teachings of the Archaics (STX), Mascot Exhibition (STX), Environmental Sciences (STX), Containment Breach (STX)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (25)
Side 7 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 8 cards (8 distinct)

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This deck is inspired by a 4-Color Olivia deck I found online. The idea behind the deck is to get game-winning creatures and occasionally Olivia, Crimson Brideimage into the discard pile, and then reanimate those creatures either using Olivia, Crimson Brideimage or Diregraf Rebirthimage. I've made fairly large changes to the mainboard and the manabase, which in my testing has improved the deck immensely, but it's still not fully refined. Suggestions for refinement are welcome.


Self Mill

The initial plan of the deck revolves around self-mill. The core cards for this strategy are Mulchimage, Undead Butlerimage, and Old Rutsteinimage. Mulchimage has the added benefit of filling your hand with lands, which at the beginning of the game can even be used as discard with the 7 card hand limit.


Card Draw

The deck uses the mono-black control card draw package of low-cost creatures with on death effects (Undead Butlerimage, Eyetwitchimage, and Shambling Ghastimage) alongside Deadly Disputeimage. It also has some copies of Thirst for Discoveryimage, which serve as good card draw and discard to get the giant creatures in the bin.



The deck has some treasure generation in the form of Shambling Ghastimage, Old Rutsteinimage, and Deadly Disputeimage. There is also a single copy of Culling Ritualimage which can occasionally be used as ramp. Using Mulchimage and Environmental Sciencesimage in addition, you will rarely miss a land drop, which allows the deck to get to reanimating quickly enough to outpace even aggro decks on occasion.



I've devoted a section to this card because it doesn't fit anywhere else. There is a single copy of Runo Stromkirk // Krothuss, Lord of the Deepimage which serves a dual purpose. The untransformed side is a legendary vampire, which will keep Olivia's reanimations alive even if Olivia dies to removal. The transformed side (Runo Stromkirk // Krothuss, Lord of the Deepimage) can create 2 copies of Hullbreaker Horrorimage or the serpent tokens that Koma, Cosmos Serpentimage makes. Keep in mind, the transformed side Runo Stromkirk // Krothuss, Lord of the Deepimage is not a legendary vampire, so on occasion, keeping him untransformed can be preferable.



Last but not least, the reanimation engine. The deck contains 2 game-winning creatures Hullbreaker Horrorimage and Koma, Cosmos Serpentimage. These can be reanimated either with the titular Olivia, Crimson Brideimage or with Diregraf Rebirthimage. Often you will want to reanimate Olivia, Crimson Brideimage with Diregraf Rebirthimage and then reanimate one of the game-winning creatures with Olivia's attack. There also exists a rare combo of using Culling Ritualimage to reduce the cost of Diregraf Rebirthimage, allowing you to reanimate as early as turn 3 or 4. This is a rare case, though, and is not the primary goal of the deck.

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Last Updated: 15 Nov 2021
Created: 13 Nov 2021
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