Arena Standard - 4 color bombardment

  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Invoke Despair (NEO), Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki (NEO)
Main 87 cards (33 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (45)
Creature (6)
Land (36)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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I know, I know, it's important to reduce it to 60 cards... but against all odds, I'm getting better results in the ladder against soldiers, monored agro, reanimator shenanigans, tokens decks, dimir poison spells, and selesnya toxic (Most of them, respectable meta decks), than versions that let out the specific tools to tear them apart.

The strategy is simple, try to control the table until you can establish safely a bombardment, and start snowballing from there destroying whatever the oponent tries. Eventually repeating "Invoke Despair", "Burn the house" and "Herd migration" will turn the table on our favor against almost anything.

There are very few creatures, that should either buy some time blocking, delaying oponent's attacks over our lives.
The dwarves will grow with each instant and sorcery, so if they're at the table when bombardment starts to snowball, they can become a 2 mana 7/8 with trample if they are not removed. We also have a bunch of cantrip spells, so Sheoldred will get us some lifes back as long as we can protect her.

1 mana special tricks
Duress: cheap and dirty disabler of control decks.
Tamiyo's safekeeping: There are very powerful enchantments in the meta and a lot of removal that could TARGET our precious bombardment. Protecting them while triggering a load of bombardment.

Play with fire: cheap, quick and versatile spark to take an early menace before they grow.
Lighting Strike: As play with fire, but a couple of each appears to be optimal.
Tear Asunder: Is an exceptional swiss army tool that can exile anything targetable. When it's thrown by the bombardment we have to pay for kicking it, but most of the time it's flexibility and efectiveness to take out a menace permanently will definitely payoff.
Soul transfer: Effective unconditional removal for creatures or plane walkers, and eventually can reload a Sheoldred or dwarf to our hand.
Tolarian Geyser: Yes, sorcery speed, 3 mana cost for a bouncer? yes, cantrip effect often pays off, if Repulse was in Standard, it'd be the card.

Ramp + draw engine
Joint Exploration and Fable of the mirror breaker: They cover more or less the same role as value engine with some draw cards, and ramping. In the case of Fables, they also add a blocker, and a sacrificable enchantment to keep our bombardment covered against "Invoke depairs" from oponent, but explorations trigger the bombardment and keep us getting value.
Herd Migration ability to discard is an excellent mana fixer, which give us some lives, and once it's exiled for bombardment, it goes wild.

Charming versatility: Both charms (riveteers and maestros) are very flexible, and effective (removals)/(card advantage spells)/ (life drainer/graveyard hate) tools. Keeping them for the raight moment can be devastating for a 3 mana instant.

Board wipes 
You can't simply trust spot removal while you're trying to ramp and get card's advantage. at some point agro decks need to be stopped before bombardment is even played. Burn the house is more versatile, but against phyrexian obliterator, vindicator and some "indestructible"menaces, it's much better to drag them to the bottom.

Bombs for the bombardment:

An invoke despair is hard, 2 are often a reason to quit, imagine a loop of them.
Similarly Heard migration multiplicating 3/3 tokens over the board, or burn the house either resetting the table or accumulating tokens <3

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Last Updated: 03 Apr 2023
Created: 03 Apr 2023
240 68 0

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