Commander - 03/32: Thassa, God of the Sea

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (70 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (40)
Creature (18)
Planeswalker (6)
Land (35)

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3/32: Mono-Blue - Thassa, God of the Sea

This was the second commander deck I ever built and it has not been taken apart since. Its gone through many incarnations, from the Mono-Blue pre-con with just Thassa at the helm, to sea monsters, to hard control 30 counters, to thassa-turns, to finally a somewhat less powerful amalgam of them all which has been deemed "The Pool Party." I've never not had fun playing Thassa, she smoothes out your draws with the upkeep scry trigger.

Whelming Waveimage, Scourge of Fleetsimage and others you can see bounce all non-sea adjacent creatures while planeswalkers tick up and some lucky turn spells get hit. This deck is packed with synergy and small loops of value. Mnemonic Wallimage and a bounce spell such as Supplant Formimage makes it so you can recur any important pieces to protect your pool when you need too. The deck has a handful of ways to win, either sneaking unblockable Leviathans/Krakens for damage over extra turns, cloning and blinking Master of Wavesimage for endless waves of elementals to pummel opponents. Thassa's Oracleimage can finish a game out if you aren't triggering your planeswalkers infinitely with Teferi, Temporal Archmageimage and The Chain Veilimage. Regardless of which win you assemble while piloting, be prepared to think quickly or face decision paralysis of what to do to get to your win.

-Consistent, as long as your opening hand has a way to reach 3 mana, Thassa is hard to remove from the board and will smooth your draws for the rest of your turns so you will have things to do every turn.
-Control, although the deck has few counterspells, it does have multiple board bounces to keep creatures off the board and your walkers safe.
-Big Mana, with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyximage, Nyx Lotusimage, and High Tideimage you'll be able to quickly play Omniscienceimage to be able to start churning through your deck and win efficiently. 

-Enchantments, oppressive ones can't be dealt with outside of countering before they come down and the deck is low on that end.
-Stax, the deck relies on being able to draw and ramp with lands so cards that cripple those strategies like Dampening Sphere or Smothering Titheimage will have a field day watching you try to cast your spells.
-Discard, the deck typically crafts a perfect 7 card hand but having your pieces, enchantments, artifacts or creatures, in the graveyard can ruin your plans a lot of the time.

Thassa, God of the Seaimage will always be my personal deck that I can always play without getting bored. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

About offhandsoldier

I'm passionate about Magic: The Gathering and mostly play Commander now.

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