Historic - -1/-1 Counters Tribal

Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (24)
Maybeboard 10 cards (3 distinct)

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It seems like people actually liked the Calix Brawl deck enough to try it so I wanted to give you guys something else in the meantime I'm testing other Brawl decks to share with y'all. This is a very sweet combo I discovered using some old and in my opinion underrated cards from the Amonkhet block.


The arrival of Yawgmoth, Thran Physicianimage made me want to go back to probably my favourite deck I made when Amonkhet Remastered was first released, -1/-1 Counters!

Sadly I'm out of wildcards atm so I'm using just 2 Yawgmoth, but if you have them you can easily use it as a x3 swapping out a Soulstingerimage; even as a x2 I didn't have any problems finding it but adding another one could help with consistency.

On the surface this seems a pretty straightforward -1/-1 deck but thanks to the power of Obelisk Spiderimage, combined with Yawgmoth, Thran Physicianimage and either Hapatra, Vizier of Poisonsimage or Nest of Scarabsimage we can actually combo to death our opponent putting infinite counters on the enemy's creatures (and if they run out we can even target ours thanks to the token generation given by Hepatra and Nest of Scarabs) while slowly draining away their health

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I'm also liking Exemplar of Strengthimage as a x4 (using just 3 to add another Nest could also be fine) since it can be used as a target for -1/-1 counters and as a lifegain source.

We are using the Trial of Ambitionimage - Cartouche of Ambitionimage combo to help us survive the early game until we can set up our combo and again other removals in the form of Splendid Agonyimage and Binding the Old Godsimage (another excellent card that can also help us ramp and thin out our deck).
We also have x4 Sign in Bloodimage as a cheap card draw to help us collect all the combo pieces we need.


In the maybeboard I've put a couple of alternative cards:

  • Baleful Ammitimage can be put instead of Soulstingerimage to have a lifelinker on the field (otherwise you can rely on Cartouche of Ambitionimage) and start gaining some life to feed to our Yawgmoth, Thran Physicianimage even without the Obelisk Spiderimage (that we can easily find thanks to Yawgmoth anyways so no worries); personally I left Soulstinger in the deck to use it as an extra removal if needed thanks to his triggered ability on death but it really comes down to personal preference, they are both good cards and sadly we can't use both.
  • Carnifex Demonimage is another good card that fits with the theme of this deck and can be very dangerous with the proliferation effect of Yawgmoth but doesn't really help us with the combo so I left it on the maybeboard; you could easily remove 1 Soulstingerimage and 1 Exemplar of Strengthimage for it.
  • Harmonizeimage can be used as a Sign in Bloodimage alternative but the higher cost and the double G mana cost makes it too slow for me; I guess you could still use it by splitting them like x2 Harmonizeimage and x2 Sign in Bloodimage but I'm not really convinced by that.


So here's this super janky combo deck, hope you guys enjoy it and see you in the next deck!

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Oh wow, I didn't know another Hapatra Yawgmoth deck writeup was out there ^^ Nice one, bro! :)
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2021
Created: 29 Aug 2021
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