AetherHub Site Updates #1

andreliverod December 15, 2019 1 min

AetherHub Updates Week 50 December 2019

Banlist section added
A completely new section has been added, containing all banned cards in all formats. This is taken straight out of our legality engine and is what Bob, the legality check uses when he performs his deck checks, you can find it under the Database menu: Banlist

Navigation menu update
While The Deck and MetaHub will store your last selected format, we also added a submenu for you to directly select the preferred format.

DeckHub: Hide Statistics cards if no decks were found
It looked a little weird having empty stat summaries when no decks were displayed in the DeckHub table, so we now hide them.

New Tourney Documentation
How to participate in an AetherHub tournament and How to run a Swiss MTG Tournament has been added to the Documentation section.

Spoiler will be added to Database as cards are spoiled
A lot of work has been done to accommodate this. We will primarily add English spoiled cards as we are a bit on the fence with foreign cards. The issue is user cache will cache the first art spoiled which makes it a bit weird in the future if they don't force a refresh.

A lot of Admin updates making our lives easier.
We have stuff going on in the background to make our management of the site easier. A lot of time this week was spent upgrading this stuff.

Removed Legacy and Vintage from Writeups and Videos, added Historic.
Some formats have very little video and writeup content, so we removed those and added Historic which already has a lot of cool content

Set icons updates
Updated to the latest version of Keyrune with the latest set icons.

Work started on Acceptable Ads
We are currently testing something called Acceptable Ads on our site, this is something we want to implement in the future and we have started work on getting our ads compatible and up to date on the standards required 

Most of our time has gone to working on our secret project!
Which very likely will be revealed in next weeks update



About andreliverod:

Founder and CEO of, he likes to play with fire and also has a Twitter account he posts his stuff on. If you are interested in supporting him on Patreon you will also receive an premium subscription!

"Nuts & Bolts Spike spends his energy looking within. He tries to understand his own internal flaws and works to improve them"


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It will come back if someone does make some content in those sections wink*wink
Sad that legacy got removed from writeups and videos :'(
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