Kindred Perseverance, Nethroi Brawl
Historic Brawl
4 years ago

Kindred Perseverance, Nethroi Brawl
Hello and yes, i completely agree with you; although i have fiddled with Ultimatum and Moth and almost all the mass removal effects and at the current state of the Brawl meta all the "competitive" lists are either quite fast or extremely controly for big spells both in mana and effect as these to la...
4 years ago
Deck Comment
Tier 1 - Brokkos smash (vidéo)
Nah, it's fine ^^ I have enough wildcards to complete your list but i wanted to ask before i invest and try. Goodie, thanks for the answer!...
4 years ago
Deck Comment
Kenrith Brawl Ball!
Nice one - always happy to see people experimenting with 5Color Brawl that's not Niv-Mizzet Reborn bread and butter. Keep up the good work!...
4 years ago
Deck Comment
Tier 1 - Brokkos smash (vidéo)
I really fancy your picks for the list; Sultai has many great cards at the current Standard but your picks are on the point in terms of power and board impact. How do you feel the deck fares agaisnt Go Wide/Smack Fast strategies?...
4 years ago
Deck Comment
Kaya Brawl, Exile Harbinger
Historic Brawl
4 years ago

Bant Ramp/Control, Bo1/3 (Edited 20/02)
Midrange Control
Arena Standard
5 years ago

Drown in Tales (Updated 09/11)
Midrange Control
Arena Standard
5 years ago
