Historic Brawl - Kindred Perseverance, Nethroi Brawl

10 29 23
22 12 1 24


Hello there!

"Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths" is here and the set brought us a wonderful new mechanic to enjoy and build around: Mutate. It's nearly an effect of building your own giant Monster and it's quite promising and enjoyable. Check its rulings in the link below so you will not be taken by surprise while palying against or with it:


Let's dive in:

The current list is Midrange/Late Game oriented, with a hint of Combo traits in its roots; the aim is to survive the early turns through trades and blocks, while building our Board and most importantly our Graveyard to summon Nethroi, Apex of Deathimage for an explosive reanimating turn.

Gilded Gooseimage, Paradise Druidimage, Incubation DruidimageSkull Prophetimage with Wolfwillow Havenimage, Arcane Signetimage are our main Ramp machinery; with a Commander cmc of 5 initially, adding +2 generic mana for the Mutation alternate cost, the first turns must provide as much extra mana as possible, alongside Non-Human creature bases for mutation like Migratory Greathornimage, which also ramps for us. Skull Prophetimage might not count towards the Mutate road but offers diversified skills or a strong block depending on the situation while the two non-creature sources stick on the board after a mass removal spell. Late-game The Great Hengeimage provides surplus to cover the unavoidable commander tax.

Our Draw is accomplished either directly via health loss through Funeral Ritesimage, Dark Bargainimage and Castle Locthwainimage, or plainly  through resolving creature spells with The Great Hengeimage on board and creatures dying in the shadow of Midnight Reaperimage or Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage. Fiend Artisanimage, Woe Striderimage and Underrealm Lichimage also contribute with their own versions of card advantage; Card Advantage does not only mean drawing cads though, it is more of an attrition war which is won by having more options to dive into and select from than our opponent.

Thus, Graveyard access is of paramount importance to the list. A satisfactory amount of Self-Milling is reached by resolving Mire Tritonimage a handy creature to block and boost our health total, Skull Prophetimage to block and ramp, Excavation Moleimage to provide our Mutants with Trample, Funeral Ritesimage and Dark Bargainimage to directly draw, Cavalier of Thornsimage as an extra Ramp body that provides Reach and lastly Underrealm Lichimage to access the best option out of the 3 top cards of the library on each of our draws, alongside an Indestructible, mutable body. As before, Fiend Artisanimage and Woe Striderimage also help to reach our goal when needed.

With a filled graveyard we can cheat through Nethroi's Mutate alternate-reanimation cost creatures into play; in that aspect Necropantherimage and Lurrus of the Dream den each individually reanimates our low cmc core creatures that died or got self-milled early and Boneyard Lurkerimage can get core non-creature permanent cards as Liliana or Elspeth Conquers Deathimage back that might have got milled.

In the current edited version i have included Luminous Broodmothimage after re-evaluating Zebrastonaut's comment of a few days ago. The Moth offers a Flying evasive body to mutate on for offence and stickiness for defence; similarly to Midnight Reaperimage who restocks our hand after a mass removal, the moth restocks the battlefield or it shields another creature by absorbing a targeter removal spell. It combos extremely well with all of our Enter the Battlefield abilities.

On the Maybeboard section, i have included some of the cards that make a strong case of being part of the deck and that have proven even more than adequate during playtesting. If you feel like a couple of the cards on the main list are not of your liking and you do not have strong ideas of what else to include, feel free to give the Maybeboard list a try. Just keep a very broad and simplified rule of replacing the type of card that you remove to maintain consistency: e.g. a non-creature removal for a non-creature card (preferably removal), creature for creature etc.

The deck handles itself well against the majority of the meta that i have encountered and i will continue to work on it as time passes for improvements. The most possible one might be adding a couple more early removals or mass removals against Kinnan, Bonder Prodigyimage Ramp and the new Snapdax, Apex of the Huntimage Mardu Knights decks, both with "go-wide, go fast" strategies. Beware of Ashiok, Dream Renderimage and Blue Counter/NoFun Tribals.

Until the next time, have fun with your games!


Edited 22 May 2020


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Hello and yes, i completely agree with you; although i have fiddled with Ultimatum and Moth and almost all the mass removal effects and at the current state of the Brawl meta all the "competitive" lists are either quite fast or extremely controly for big spells both in mana and effect as these to land and make an impact. Personally i prefer faster and sneakier threats that simultaneously keep on the deck's theme and speed required to push a relevant board presence. :)
I've found that Broodmoth and Eerie Ultimatum are 2 great ways of closing out the game in my version of the deck. Planar Cleansing often benefits you a lot more too because of Nethroi's ability to bring almost everything back
Last Updated: 22 May 2020
Created: 18 Apr 2020
7356 2715 2

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (52 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (1)

Maybeboard - 11 cards (11 distinct)


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