Standard - Gruul Aggro

1st MTGO Challenge 32 24/01/25 by MJ_23
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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  • Meta deck card breakdown - 90 decks, 20.5% of meta

    Greasewrench Goblin 1x in 0%
    Redshift, Rocketeer Chief 1x in 0%
    Draconautics Engineer 1x in 0%
    Fear of Missing Out 1x in 0%
    Afterburner Expert 1x in 0%
    Llanowar Elves 1x in 0%
    Slickshot Show-Off 1x in 0%
    Monastery Swiftspear 1x in 0%
    Trumpeting Carnosaur 1x in 0%
    Itzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath 1x in 0%
    Rampaging Raptor 1x in 0%
    Palani's Hatcher 1x in 0%
    Belligerent Yearling 1x in 0%
    Regal Imperiosaur 1x in 0%
    Pugnacious Hammerskull 1x in 0%
    Ixalli's Lorekeeper 1x in 0%
    Cacophony Scamp 1x in 0%
    Patchwork Beastie 1x in 0%
    Keen-Eyed Curator 1x in 0%
    Wildfire Wickerfolk 1x in 0%
    Cenote Scout 1x in 0%
    Roxanne, Starfall Savant 1x in 0%
    Calamity, Galloping Inferno 1x in 0%
    Overlord of the Hauntwoods 1x in 0%
    Terror of the Peaks 1x in 0%
    Overlord of the Boilerbilges 1x in 0%
    Outcaster Trailblazer 1x in 0%
    Obstinate Baloth 1x in 0%
    Omnivorous Flytrap 1x in 0%
    Manifold Mouse 3x in 0%
    Fauna Shaman 1x in 1%
    Callous Sell-Sword 1x in 1%
    Voldaren Thrillseeker 1x in 1%
    Tender Wildguide 1x in 1%
    Inti, Seneschal of the Sun 1x in 3%
    Hired Claw 3x in 3%
    Sentinel of the Nameless City 1x in 8%
    Screaming Nemesis 2x in 9%
    Pawpatch Recruit 2x in 37%
    Questing Druid 3x in 39%
    Emberheart Challenger 4x in 92%
    Heartfire Hero 4x in 92%
  • Instant, Sorcery
    Triumphant Chomp 1x in 0%
    Turn Inside Out 1x in 0%
    Might of the Meek 1x in 0%
    Seed of Hope 1x in 0%
    Beastie Beatdown 1x in 0%
    Break Out 1x in 0%
    Violent Urge 1x in 0%
    Shock 1x in 0%
    Royal Treatment 1x in 0%
    Smuggler's Surprise 1x in 0%
    Lithomantic Barrage 1x in 0%
    Cache Grab 1x in 1%
    Giant Growth 1x in 1%
    Felonious Rage 1x in 1%
    Defend the Rider 1x in 1%
    Scorching Dragonfire 1x in 1%
    Overprotect 1x in 2%
    Scorching Shot 1x in 3%
    Snakeskin Veil 1x in 9%
    Torch the Tower 2x in 13%
    Burst Lightning 2x in 21%
    Obliterating Bolt 1x in 22%
    Witchstalker Frenzy 1x in 26%
    Monstrous Rage 4x in 92%
  • Enchantment, Artifact
    Agatha's Soul Cauldron 1x in 0%
    Dredger's Insight 1x in 0%
    Leyline of Resonance 1x in 0%
    Thunderous Velocipede 1x in 0%
    Up the Beanstalk 1x in 0%
    Gastal Thrillroller 1x in 1%
    Hunter's Talent 1x in 1%
    Audacity 1x in 1%
    Bitter Reunion 1x in 2%
    Innkeeper's Talent 2x in 17%
  • Planeswalkers
    Wrenn and Realmbreaker 1x in 0%
  • Lands
    Cavern of Souls 1x in 0%
    Commercial District 1x in 2%
    Soulstone Sanctuary 1x in 20%
    Restless Ridgeline 1x in 58%
    Rockface Village 2x in 69%
    Karplusan Forest 4x in 96%
    Thornspire Verge 4x in 98%
    Copperline Gorge 4x in 100%
  • Sideboard
    Urabrask's Forge 1x in 0%
    Brotherhood's End 1x in 0%
    Twisted Fealty 1x in 0%
    Innkeeper's Talent 1x in 0%
    Thrun, Breaker of Silence 1x in 0%
    Agatha's Soul Cauldron 1x in 0%
    Case of the Crimson Pulse 1x in 0%
    Untimely Malfunction 1x in 0%
    Scytheclaw Raptor 1x in 0%
    Tranquil Frillback 1x in 1%
    Chandra, Spark Hunter 1x in 1%
    The Skullspore Nexus 1x in 1%
    Burst Lightning 1x in 1%
    Keen-Eyed Curator 1x in 1%
    Tectonic Hazard 1x in 1%
    Vengeful Possession 1x in 1%
    Royal Treatment 1x in 1%
    Fiery Annihilation 1x in 1%
    Sunspine Lynx 1x in 2%
    Haywire Mite 1x in 2%
    Snakeskin Veil 1x in 3%
    Obstinate Baloth 1x in 3%
    Abrade 1x in 3%
    Pick Your Poison 1x in 3%
    Scorching Dragonfire 1x in 3%
    Soulstone Sanctuary 1x in 4%
    Lukka, Bound to Ruin 1x in 8%
    Sentinel of the Nameless City 1x in 10%
    Scorching Shot 1x in 10%
    Pawpatch Recruit 1x in 10%
    Ghost Vacuum 1x in 11%
    Screaming Nemesis 1x in 18%
    Witchstalker Frenzy 1x in 19%
    Pyroclasm 1x in 23%
    Obliterating Bolt 1x in 27%
    Questing Druid 1x in 27%
    Pawpatch Formation 2x in 33%
    Torch the Tower 1x in 34%
    Lithomantic Barrage 3x in 63%

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Gruul Aggro deck variations
5th-8th RCQ @ Mox Boarding House (Seattle, WA) 15/02/25
Noah Brandes 29 Participants
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lime360jr 60 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 20/02/25
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_Batutinha_ 60 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 32 20/02/25
sandoiche 60 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 20/02/25
Gorter 60 Participants
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LucasG1ggs 84 Participants
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FletcherPullUp 84 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 64 17/02/25
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3rd-4th Izzet Explosive Experiment Event 16/02/25
Shuhei Kitamura 105 Participants
3rd-4th RCQ @ Rarehuntershop (Schwechat, Austria) 15/02/25
Luka Galjer 29 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ Rarehuntershop (Schwechat, Austria) 15/02/25
Sajan Cherukad 29 Participants
3rd-4th Champions Cup Premium Qualifier @ Fullcomp Players Center (Hachio
Watabe Yuta 40 Participants
5th-8th Champions Cup Premium Qualifier @ Fullcomp Players Center (Hachio
Takao Shota 40 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 16/02/25
PedraStone 94 Participants
15th MTGO Challenge 64 16/02/25
L1X0 94 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 15/02/25
_Batutinha_ 35 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 14/02/25
L1X0 56 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 14/02/25
pacoelflaco 56 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 14/02/25
Based 56 Participants
5th-8th $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Portland 09/02/25
Marcus Pacheco 148 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 10/02/25
_Batutinha_ 74 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 10/02/25
Hamuda 74 Participants
2nd Japan Cup: Aetherdrift @ BIG MAGIC (Japan) 09/02/25
Daisuke Iwabuchi 477 Participants
5th-8th Japan Cup: Aetherdrift @ BIG MAGIC (Japan) 09/02/25
Masahide Moriyama 477 Participants
9th-16th Japan Cup: Aetherdrift @ BIG MAGIC (Japan) 09/02/25
Mingyang Chen 477 Participants
9th-16th Japan Cup: Aetherdrift @ BIG MAGIC (Japan) 09/02/25
Yi Ding 477 Participants
9th-16th Japan Cup: Aetherdrift @ BIG MAGIC (Japan) 09/02/25
Yusuke Takaoka 477 Participants
9th-16th Japan Cup: Aetherdrift @ BIG MAGIC (Japan) 09/02/25
Hayato Takano 477 Participants
1st ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 09/02/25
Wen-hao Lue 32 Participants
3rd-4th ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 09/02/25
Adam Fischer 32 Participants
5th-8th ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 09/02/25
Amandacassity1 32 Participants
5th-8th ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 09/02/25
Matthew Robinson 62 Participants
2nd MTGO Showcase Challenge 09/02/25
Ashe_Oathkeeper 301 Participants
9th MTGO Showcase Challenge 09/02/25
Bullet_Time 301 Participants
13th MTGO Showcase Challenge 09/02/25
ellectroide 301 Participants
3rd-4th ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 08/02/25
Robert Mcneil-bobb 84 Participants
3rd-4th ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 08/02/25
Amber Thurlow 84 Participants
5th-8th ReCQ @ SCG CON Portland 08/02/25
Gianluca Privitera 84 Participants
5th-8th Oversized Event @ SCG CON Portland 08/02/25
Tyson Roylance 29 Participants
10th MTGO Challenge 32 08/02/25
itstime 66 Participants
12th MTGO Challenge 32 08/02/25
Janisss 66 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 08/02/25
Ashe_Oathkeeper 66 Participants
15th MTGO Challenge 32 08/02/25
_Batutinha_ 66 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 07/02/25
Gonito 71 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 32 07/02/25
ZendicardGames 71 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 32 06/02/25
TinyDinomo 48 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 64 04/02/25
solomonwolf 99 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 64 03/02/25
SoIMBAGallade 79 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 64 03/02/25
PedraStone 79 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 64 03/02/25
_Batutinha_ 79 Participants
15th MTGO Challenge 64 02/02/25
BoltTargetYou 67 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 64 02/02/25
MicroPago 67 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ Firestorm Games (Cardiff, Wales) 01/02/25
Alex Day 40 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ Firestorm Games (Cardiff, Wales) 01/02/25
Scott Milbourne 40 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ Playtime (Merate, Italy) 02/02/25
Roberto Caminiti 46 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 01/02/25
pat0presidente 61 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 01/02/25
_Batutinha_ 61 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 30/01/25
GzusReturned 50 Participants
9th MTGO Challenge 32 30/01/25
Dazai 50 Participants
10th MTGO Challenge 32 30/01/25
secr3tm0de 50 Participants
13th MTGO Challenge 32 30/01/25
komattaman 50 Participants
14th MTGO Challenge 32 30/01/25
L1X0 50 Participants
2nd MTGO Challenge 64 28/01/25
__OVC__ 88 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 64 28/01/25
EmreKilic 88 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 64 27/01/25
SorryImSoTilted 72 Participants
11th MTGO Challenge 64 27/01/25
Worldwaker2 72 Participants
3rd-4th CCG SuperQualifier Open @ City Class Games (São Paulo, Brazil) 26
Andre Hassan 101 Participants
1st RCQ + 1K @ Boardwalk Games (Carrollton, TX) 25/01/25
Garland Muller 30 Participants
2nd RCQ + 1K @ Boardwalk Games (Carrollton, TX) 25/01/25
Hayden Iske 30 Participants
3rd-4th RCQ + 1K @ Boardwalk Games (Carrollton, TX) 25/01/25
Ernesto Taylor 30 Participants
2nd RCQ @ Mayhem Collectibles (Des Moines, IA) 25/01/25
Daniel Seidl 31 Participants
2nd Champions Cup Store Qualifier @ Hareruya (Japan) 25/01/25
Furuichi Takenori 29 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 25/01/25
unagieel 44 Participants
5th-8th RCQ @ Mayhem Collectibles (Des Moines, IA) 24/01/25
Wesley Hickman 30 Participants
3rd-4th RCQ @ Topdeck Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 25/01/25
Denzel Rain Ang 37 Participants
1st MTGO Challenge 32 24/01/25
MJ_23 40 Participants
3rd-4th MTGO Challenge 32 24/01/25
Hamuda 40 Participants
5th-8th MTGO Challenge 32 24/01/25
Edel 40 Participants
16th MTGO Challenge 32 24/01/25
L1X0 40 Participants
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