Standard - Elenda's Visitation

29 22 9
22 9 4 25
Midrange Control

Orzhov Divine Visitationimage has been my favorite build since Ravnica first hit. While my pre-Allegiance build emphasized midrange aggression and effecient creatuers, this Abzan build is even more combocentric, and with the bonus that it is less susceptible to sweepers and removal.


image  +  image  +  image


The idea behind this deck is to summon a bunch of afterlife creatures and use Vraska, Golgari Queenimage to pop them for draw and tokens. The heart of our deck's power is Elenda, the Dusk Roseimage, who ramps in power for every afterlifer or token we pop. Teysa Karlovimage doublers our token generation and our Elenda ramp. And, of course, with a Divine Visitationimage in play all of those afterlife tokens and dead Elenda's become Serra Angelimages.


Card Selection:

Divine Visitationimage, the reason we are all here. This card is so much fun, and can completely change the state of the board for us.

Hunted Witnessimage provides an impactful turn one play in this deck, setting up the board and giving us a chump blocker against aggro. In the late game, hunted witness is still an immensely relevant draw tool with Vraska or removal with Plaguecrafter. Plus its token works with Visitation. An all-around efficient card for us at every stage of the game.

Tithe Takerimage is an important 2-drop with afterlife who helps keep our sacrifice engine running. It's secondary ability, while helpful in the early game against counter-based control decks, is not overly impactful after the first 4 or 5 turns in my experience. That means don't keep Tithe Taker on the board for its ability unless you have an incredible hunch you will need your opponent to spend the extra mana on a Settle the Wreckageimage or a counter.

Ministrant of Obligationimage offers 3 bodies in one card which is immensely impactful in this list.

Plaguecrafterimage gives us more tools to utilize our afterlife creatures while offering significant removal against creatures and planeswalkers.

Elenda, the Dusk Roseimage, our bae. Playing her can be tricky: she is susceptible to being removed instantly by either red damage spells or exile effects. If she sticks on the board, she can quickly get out of hand for our opponent. And once she gets out of hand, only an exile effect will keep our opponents from facing the token swarm she summons.

Teysa Karlovimage makes everything in this deck better. I have tried running 3 of her and have found she is less a card we want to curve with than a card we want to play when her triggers will be most impactful. She makes all our afterlife creatures summon double tokens, and she makes every dead creature provide Elenda with double counters. She can provide unreal temposwings in a game.

Trostani Discordantimage offers us multiple bodies, which is important for our engine. Her buff ability is impactful with the amount of tokens we can field, and she is a great response to The Eldest Rebornimage as any opponent trying to manipulate our graveyard will have to return our creatures to us. With Divine Visitation in play, Trostani Discordant becomes a bomb.

Vraska, Golgari Queenimage, our engine and draw. She offers anti-aggro removal, and her ultimate wins games if left unchecked, especially when it is so difficult to ever fully clear our board.

Arguel's Blood Fast // Temple of Aclazotzimage gives us consistent draw, and a sac trigger if it flips. A very useful card in control matchups that can be swapped out for a Golden Demise or other sweeper in aggro matchups.

Assassin's Trophyimage gives us affordable and flexible removal.

Golden Demiseimage is an anti-aggro tool that also has the benefit of triggering our afterlives. Just be sure not to blow up an Elenda before she has had a chance to ramp.

Kaya's Wrathimage is a huge swing sweeper. Removing our own creatures heals us, summons tokens, and can be devastating for aggro and midrange opponents, especially Wildgrowth Walkerimage decks that tend to run low on card draw.


More info on Sideboard to come.


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Last Updated: 27 Jan 2019
Created: 26 Jan 2019
258 97 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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