Arena Standard - RU rummaging yet?

17 36
10 20 6 24

I've been toying with Glint-Horn Buccaneerimage and Jump-start since last season, but now with Improbable Allianceimage  and the "second card drawn" mechanic, rummaging while burning/creating 1/1 flyers can kind of work... kind of.  This is probably not a tier 1 strategy.  I just like that no one knows how the Buccaneer works, or that it has Haste.  Plus, it works well to just sit there and trigger off of discards all game.

- I run a playset of Radical Ideaimage, but only 2x Chemister's Insightimage and 1x Risk Factorimage for easy-to-choose discard targets unless you're already around 5+ mana, then pitch lands.

- Speaking of pitching lands, it works well with Cavalier of Flameimage.  In fact, the Cavalier is an all-star as we benefit from the ETB trigger (both sides of it), the death trigger (as long as you've pitched a few lands), AND the activated ability to pump all the 1/1 faeries.

- Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentorimage could be more The Royal Scionsimage, but having both is nice.

- Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage is great because most of the creatures that matter in this deck survive her -3, otherwise you're wiping out faeries but they come back fast.

- I only have 1x Saheeli, Sublime Artificerimage because she cant draw and I usually don't want to play her on turn 3, but she is great for creating blockers. I've also snuck some wins out from copying an Irencrag Pyromancerimage, Buccaneer before rummaging/looting, or just smashing with 2 Cavalier of Flameimage.


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Last Updated: 13 Nov 2019
Created: 11 Nov 2019
30 61 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (23 distinct)

Creature (10)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (20)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (6)

Sideboard - 14 cards (14 distinct)


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