Arena Standard - Izzet Dreadhorde

24 24
10 22 5 23
Control Combo

This is an Izzet deck I thought about, build, experiemnted, added/removed cards, and played alot now. It performce really well in BO1. Added a few cards i could think about for a Sideboard depending on craeture heavy matchups or control. 

The idea behind the deck revolves around mostly 1 card idea. image

The concept is something i saw at a stream where he (the player) used it with Crash Throughimage in a RDW. I was really cool. So I Thought about it and build around it with 1 cost spells. Optimage, Shockimage, Crash Throughimage are the early game meat for Deadhorde Arcanist.

Pteramanderimage Is also amazing in this deck since it synergies with spells in your graveyard and it is an excellent 1 drop. Sure some cards will be exiled by Deadhorde Arcanist but it si fine in most of my game. You often adapt Pteramanderimage on the mid/later game phase and on the opponents turn. 

Counterspells and burn are the meat for any control Izzet deck. Together with the bounce effect from Dreadhorde Arcanistimage and [Guttersnipe]]'s passive, it really kicks of when your board is set. If you ave a Ral planeswalker out aswell it really get's insane. One Ral, Storm Conduitimage + Guttersnipeimage or Spellgorger Wierd + Dreadhorde Arcanistimage, and a few shocks or opts or anything from the hand, and you get a really mean killing machine.

Total damage in this Scenario: 12 dmg. If you had a Spellgorger aswell or instead of guttersnipe, it would now be a 5/5 creatues.

Still not sure about the Counterspell combo. I tried Ionizeimage but felt it to be abit clunky and slow. So I added Essence Captureimage instead. 4 Negateimage to protect your creatures. The Disperseimage is to bounce any big threat you cannot burn or counter. 

Good luck!


Edit 1: I removed Guttersnipe from the mainboard and replaces him with 2 Saheeli. She seems to be more consistent in this deck and provide us with 1/1 blockers. Who can also get really big if you copy a Ptmancer and then evolve it, then the counters added would still remain onto the articaft creatures. Same goes for Sellgorger Wierds ability. Guttersnipe had a habit of getting targeted very fast and shutdown almost immediatly.

Edit 2: Ran into alot of Esper control. Ionize is back on the table boys! -2 essence Capture. +2 Ionize


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Last Updated: 12 May 2019
Created: 09 May 2019
223 75 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (16 distinct)

Creature (10)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (23)
Planeswalker (5)

Sideboard - 13 cards (6 distinct)


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