Historic Brawl - Simic Proliferate - Brawl

15 39
21 12 2 24
Midrange Jank

Zegana, Utopian Speakerimage is harnessing The Ozolithimage and it is a perfect match. She can now adapt Simic Combine to the current power level and achieve her desired utopia at the same time. Witness this, Vannifar.


For the best start, get a +1/+1 counter on Incubation Druidimage. You can use your X cost creatures to massively boost your Simic Ascendancyimage, don't forget to get a discount for hydras from Gargos, Vicious Watcherimage. The Ozolithimage will help you charge it very fast, especially if you can keep chomp blocking.

In any case (with or without Simic Ascendancyimage), go as wide as possible and start proliferating for maximum value - pay attention how to get as many +1/+1 counters as possible. Proliferate also to speed up your Sagas and keep your planeswalkers alive.

Push the damage through with your Skatewing Spyimage's flying, Sharktocrabimage's tapping and Zegana's trample abilities. Biomancer's Familiarimage makes your Adapt and other activated abilities like the ones on Steelbane Hydraimage and Fertilidimage cheap.


Key cards:

Sharktocrabimage, The Ozolithimage, Simic Ascendancyimage, Biomancer's Familiarimage


For replacement cards try searching for +1 counter, Adapt and Proliferate key words.

Some good replacement cards:

Stonecoil Serpentimage, Bioessence Hydraimage, Trollbred Guardianimage, Benthic Biomancerimage, Jace, Arcane Strategistimage, Nadir Krakenimage, New Horizonsimage, Pelt Collectorimage, Nessian Hornbeetleimage, Pridemalkinimage

Some average replacement cards:

Faerie Vandalimage, Queen of Iceimage, Ugin's Conjurantimage, Ivy Elementalimage, Renata, Called to the Huntimage, Combine Guildmageimage, Titanic Brawlimage, Spark Doubleimage

Instead of The Great Hengeimage you can try out Guardian Projectimage, Beast Whispererimage, Verity Circleimage for card draw.

For counterspells check Essence Captureimage and Sublime Epiphanyimage

M21 changes to include the new cards:

- Essence Captureimage, Courage in Crisisimage, Kiora Bests the Sea Godimage, Jace's Projectionimage, Mowu, Loyal Companionimage, Galloping Lizrogimage, Entrancing Lyreimage

 + Wildwood Scourgeimage, Quirion Dryadimage, Scavenging Oozeimage, Lorescale Coatlimage, Invigorating Surgeimage, Hunter's Edgeimage, Heroic Interventionimage


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Last Updated: 04 Jul 2020
Created: 21 Jun 2020
3738 1287 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (48 distinct)

Creature (21)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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