Historic Brawl - Nic-Mizzet Wallet

20 11 14 9 12
10 18 4 27

It all started with the quarantine, and the open Brawl event.

I was just bored. And then, will looking through all the commanders, I saw Nic.
I should tell you, I crafted it. Hadn't one in my collection.

To have some fun games, I thought. It will be impossible to cast it, right? It is too slow and complicate to assemble the mana, even starting at 25 life I will be crushed.
Instead. This commander is BROKEN and, sadly, should be BANNED.

And then this Friday Night brought us the Historic Brawl, it was an easy upgrade of my Standard version which is just filthy.

Here is to you a brief inside through the deck starting from the Commander in chief:


Our penta or 5-color (cool, but tricky) Commander has an ETB effect quite long that I could accurately shorten in "recklessly show your opponent a fourth of your deck while you select 2/6 top finishers or bombs and put all the lands and useless mana ramp/dork in the bottom."
Also, is a 6/6 flyer which immediately put a 3/4 turns clock on your opponent's life.

Having to play a 5-color deck let you play some the best cards out there, all together.

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To ensure to cast our Commander all those spells we can count on 27 lands (don't ask me how, but there's criteria underneath it) and some mana ramp/dorks:

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 ...after all, we are always going to put them in the bottom of the deck when we will play Niv.


"But here must be a way to cast this heavy, multicolored spells faster and cheat mana?"
"Sure there is".


Also, a fair play that I executed a few time to get rid of the "2 spell a turn" restriction:

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yep, there is also this one unbanned and I have 27 different lands. Deal.


A top-tier quality of single removals:

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and mass removals:

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to stress out the opponent's resource, and if the first wave of carsd is not enough, playing Nic a second time is an almost sure scoop from the opponent.
Remember, all the cards are showed to him.
This is just BM, but I have fun when I win and I can't help it.

I would like to conclude with this fascinating card.

Hatkos the Unscarred


Haktos is definitely not a meme, in fact I lost a few times against it.
It's my final swap for the deck and it's an alternate finisher which is almost impossible to remove, benching Enter the God-Eternalsimage which previously benched Polukranos, Unchainedimage and god, I missed him.
But there were just not enough space for everyone and come on, who does not to win with an Haktos the Unscarred?

So this is the deck for you if you want to try it out with all the cards that you have in both Historic or Standard Brawl
You have fun and build your best Niv-Mizzet deck, don't you worry about having all the cards or not.
But remember, no matter what do not put Hydroid Krasisimage.
You don't need some other big flyer who can draw you cards, do you?


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Last Updated: 11 Apr 2020
Created: 10 Apr 2020
1329 238 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (59 distinct)

Creature (10)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (27)
Planeswalker (4)

Maybeboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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