Historic Brawl - "NOPE" Clique

10 50 0 39

Original Deck created by LegenVD  

Changes made with Wilds of Eldraine set release based on personal preference:
- replaced 2 Islandimage with Field of Ruinimage and Demolition Fieldimage
- replaced Saruman's Trickeryimage with Essence Scatterimage (lower CMC)
- removed The Immortal Sunimage (does't fit the deck)
- removed Gilded Lotusimage (too expensive and too easy to remove)
- removed Talrand, Sky Summonerimage (not needed as win condition)
- removed Tolarian Terrorimage (not needed as win condition)
- removed Wavebreak Hippocampimage (not needed for card draw)
- removed Faerie Vandalimage (too weak)
- removed Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horrorimage (too slow)
- removed Displacer Kittenimage (anti-synergy with auras)
- added Combat Researchimage, Curious Obsessionimage and Sea-Dasher Octopusimage for card draw
- added Discontinuityimage, Gale's Redirectionimage and Summary Dismissalimage for uncounterable spells
- added The Irencragimage as mana rock
- added Jwari Disruptionimage as MFC land

Some changes to the manabase to get a little more utility by adding an extra MFC land that dual functions as another cheap counterspell and also replacing two basics with utility lands to deal with opponents' problematic lands.
Also added The Ironcrag from Wilds of Eldraine as additional early mana rock with potential upside lategame.
The Immortal Sunimage is too situational and tapping out for a 6 CMC artifact that doesn't do much the turn it comes down just isn't good enough. The extra card draw is not needed anymore because of the auras and planeswalker spells can simply get countered instead. 
The removed creatures were either too weak, too slow or just very akward to use and get value out of them. Tapping out on turn 3 or 4 leaves them vulnerable to removal and opens up opportunities for the opponent to do whatever they want. Furthermore most of them just aren't needed to win the game so only keeping the Djinns as big evasive threats with upside (cost reduction).
Flickering creatures with Displacer Kittenimage is great value on paper but it's hard to find a good spot to cast it with protection available and it has anti-synergy with the new strategy of using card draw auras on the commander.
Discontinuityimage functions as a pseudo extra turn spell and allows countering spells that otherwise can't be countered as well as stopping cascade triggers. Summary Dismissalimage and Gale's Redirectionimage serve a similar purpose with the former also countering abilities and the latter having the upside of "stealing" the spell.

Adding in some protection spells for the creatures with attached auras would be another viable option (see Maybeboard).  
Hullbreaker Horrorimage and Alrund's Epiphanyimage could also be used as additional threats to close out the game but they aren't needed.
The deck is built "true to paper" but Gate to Seatowerimage could be added to the manabase if one doesn't mind playing with Alchemy cards. Oracle of the Alphaimage, Calim, Djinn Emperorimage, Key to the Archiveimage and Discover the Formulaimage are also incredibly strong cards if one wants to go down that route.


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Last Updated: 06 Oct 2023
Created: 01 Aug 2023
358 127 1

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)

Mainboard - 99 cards (68 distinct)

Creature (10)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (50)
Land (39)

Maybeboard - 15 cards (15 distinct)


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