Historic - "Skred" Red

7 24 7 22

As the name implies this deck is based on the old modern deck "Skred Red" which was a mono red midrange deck that used a snow mana base to leverage Skred as a very efficient removal spell, which, along with a plethora of main deck hate cards, would bridge the gap to being able to close out a game with a big dragon or planeswalker.

This deck, although missing the titular card, is the spiritual successor.

Firstly we also utilize a snow mana base to get access to some efficient removal in Frost bite but we also use it to leverage Tundra Fumarole. On the surface this card seems like another in a long line of mediocre red removal spells. I mean 4 damage for 3 mana is hardly anything to write home about, even if it can also hit planeswalkers. But if you pay 3 snow mana it becomes 4 damage for free, and that is pretty great. This gives you great tempo as you can kill an opponents creature and then still advance your own board state. Play a Cold Steel Heart on turn 2 and turn 3 you can burn down an opponents best creature then immediatley drop a Karn or a Hazoret. You can even use the mana to power up your Faceless Haven to get the beat downs.

There are unfortunately few "hate cards" worthy of main decking in Historic right now (no Blood Moon, no Chalice of the Void, no Ensnaring Bridge) but we did just get Relic of Progenitus in the latest Anthology. I'm pretty high on this card right now since it seems every other deck is playing either Arclight Phoenix or some reanimator shenanigans. It also shuts down a lot of what Rakdos Arcanists tries to do, as well as incidentally shitting on Rogues, Torrential Gearhulk, and Lurrus. You could afford to run 4, but i was reluctant to cut the last Maze Mind Tome. A fun little line btw is popping Relic, then using KarnTGC's -2 to get it (or another artifact you exiled from your graveyard) back from exile.

Then we've got the finishers. A lot of the finishers can double as removal, which is fairly key for our strategy to knock the opponent off kilter and out tempo them. To this end Glorybringer, Bonecrusher, and Chandra are fairly standard red deck finishers. Skarrgan Hellkite is on trial, it's a 4/4 haste at worse, while it's ability has been handy at times to add extra damage or keep the board clear of dorks. Myriad Construct is on trial, as it represents a resilient threat we can play on turn 3 after using Tundra Fumarole. The Karns play well together and provide card advantage and some silver bullets (Speaking of which the Bo1 sideboard change has really neutured KarnTGC's tool box abilities). Finally there is the most reliable finisher in the deck: Faceless Haven. Seriously this will win you more games against hapless blue decks than you could ever imagine. Sometimes a 4/3 attacking every turn from turn 3 just gets you there.

The sideboard is a bit of a mess. I'm still trying to figure out which out of the old 15 card sideboard options i like best for Karn, it's pretty meta dependant i suppose. At least this means we can have a proper sideboard for Bo3 if you want to play that. Personally i don't so i just threw some cards in there. Let me know if you play this deck in Bo3 which cards worked for you and which were pointless.



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Last Updated: 27 Jul 2021
Created: 29 May 2021
449 355 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (18 distinct)

Creature (7)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (22)
Planeswalker (7)

Sideboard - 15 cards (11 distinct)


Maybeboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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