Historic - Angel Saga Vol. 2

44 11
16 24 0 20
Aggro Midrange

The second chapter in the Angel Saga Story. 

 Read Book 1 Book 3

This version drops some of the control and fetch options of Volume 1 in favor of a potentially crazy turns 1-3 and a more explosive end game through Freyalise allowing us to tap our early creatures and tokens for mana, then providing counters and trample to our entire board.

The goal here is to try and leverage the additional cost reduction to enchantments we get from the additional 4 stack of Jukai and the Saga Freyalise to hard ramp on turns  3-4 (typicaly a turn when decks tend to tap out) to dump your hand onto the field. This additionaly provides all your creatures with a counter and trample which can be timed with Benalia's buffs to often close out the game right there. Finaly a single copy of Unnatural growth pushes your end game over the top with 10/10 or better angels.

Most of our previous play lines from Volume 1 are still available to us, 3 cards in the sideboard allow for more control and resilance versus mass bounce or removal.


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Holy shit more of these?
Last Updated: 26 Oct 2022
Created: 25 Oct 2022
124 77 1

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (20)

Sideboard - 10 cards (3 distinct)


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8 15 31 6 0
0 4 6 0 0