Commander - VialSmasher/Thrasios - X Marks the Spell

45 11 28 7
17 45 0 36

Spellslingers rejoice! Thrasios ramps and scrys for your spells. Vial Smasher turns your big x spells into direct damage to opponents faces. This title used to be funnier when Revel in Riches was an alternate win condition, but I took it out for my Jan Jansen treasure deck and slotted in my recently acquired Dominus, which is a little more focused.


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Last Updated: 09 Jul 2023
Created: 19 Jun 2023
29 75 0

Commander - 2 cards (2 distinct)


Mainboard - 98 cards (89 distinct)

Creature (17)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (45)
Land (36)

Maybeboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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