Explorer - Veil of Shadows | Discard Ward 💀

Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Planeswalker (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (21)
Creature (8)
Land (23)
Side 7 cards (3 distinct)

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Veil of Shadows


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This Discard deck is centered on the remarkable synergy of particular ward-based creatures, those being Graveyard Trespasser // Graveyard Gluttonimage and Westgate Regentimage. As the game progresses, these creatures become virtually untargetable by your opponent, akin to having Hexproof but with more steps.


The Creatures:

Graveyard Trespasser // Graveyard Gluttonimage is a killer card for black! This Werewolf brings some serious firepower to the table with its great stats, Ward ability, and the option to mess with graveyards, especially to trigger its cool effect. And hey, don't forget, you can even target your own graveyard to activate its life-reducing trick if you're in a tight spot.


Ebondeath, Dracolichimage was a last-minute addition, but man, it turned out to be a solid choice. This bad boy is a tough attacker that just keeps coming back for more, which is awesome since our creature count in this deck is a bit limited. Plus, it makes for some handy self-discard fodder when needed.


Westgate Regentimage is another sweet creature that fits right in with our deck strategy. With Ward to keep it safe and some serious attacking power, this bad boy gets stronger the more it hits the opponent. If left unchecked, it's a game finisher for sure!


The Spells:

Bloodchief's Thirstimage offers versatile removal that becomes even more potent in the late game when you pay its kicker cost. It's especially handy against planeswalkers, making it a key addition to the deck.


Thoughtseizeimage is an absolute must-have for a Discard deck. With the ability to cast it on turn one, it sets the tempo for what's to come, though do keep in mind that the 2 damage can add up quickly.


Vicious Rumorsimage provides more discard power along with added bonuses of life gain and milling. It's the perfect way to add insult to injury and keep your opponents on their toes.

Hopeless Nightmareimage Provides discard power and take 2 life away from our opponent, with the added bonus of a late game scry to help get a much needed card into our hand.

Go for the Throatimage is straightforward removal at instant speed. You can also consider Infernal Graspimage in this slot, but Go for the Throat is a bit gentler to use. The only downside is when your opponent is running an artifact creature-heavy deck, but fear not, as there are plenty of other ways to handle such situations.


The Other Stuff:

The Meathook Massacreimage provides a solid means to clear the board while granting you the opportunity to gain or take life from your foes. As time goes on, this card generates increasing value and can even act as a sneaky win condition if your opponents' life totals are low enough, allowing you to wipe out your own creatures and tokens strategically.


Waste Notimage stands as a mainstay for any discard deck, and it's the first card you'll want to drop on turn two if you have it. The zombies it creates prove helpful in addressing low creature problems, while the card draw component is always advantageous. The mana side of this card can be situational, but when executed skillfully, it becomes absolutely devastating.


Davriel, Rogue Shadowmageimage is likely your primary source of non-combat damage. This Planeswalker methodically chips away at your opponent's life total and quickly becomes a must-destroy target for them. Planning around Davriel's presence can significantly tip the scales in your favor during games.


Liliana of the Veilimage provides incredible value and demands immediate attention from your opponents. Besides serving as a formidable removal tool, she truly shines in this deck as a source of recurring discard. Her ultimate ability can significantly disrupt your opponent's plans, leaving them in a precarious situation.


Torment of Scarabsimage boasts the highest mana cost in the deck, yet it compensates with tremendous reoccurring value, especially when your foes' resources are depleted. With no cards in hand, they are forced to either endure damage or sacrifice permanents, either way, it plays out in your favor and applies continuous pressure on your opponents.

Liliana, Waker of the Deadimage is another planewalker to add to our collection, our most costly but bring a lot to the table and has great reoccuring value, especailly if the opponent is out of cards in hand. and her ultamate ability can bring back some of our toughest creatures to go another round.


The Gameplan:

I always initiate with a turn one discard to make a bold statement and gain insight into my opponent's strategy. Prioritizing the acquisition of Waste Notimage cards remains crucial, as they form the backbone of this deck's strength. Due to its streamlined nature, most cards can be played as early as turn three. When available, Graveyard Trespasser // Graveyard Gluttonimage typically follows as the next play, unless specific circumstances demand the presence of Liliana of the Veil to handle opponents' creatures.


Once your opponent's hand is empty, the deck assumes a somewhat locked-down position. Most of your non-token creatures become untargetable, while the ones that remain targetable are expendable. Remarkably, this deck presents an abundance of overpowering threats and gradual life-draining abilities that will inevitably secure your victory in the night.


Feel free to comment if you would like to see more my decks and please link here and give me a shout out if you used this deck and had fun.


Update 8/7/23: been keeping a 70%+ winrate in rank with this deck, its surprisenly fun to play if you like getting your hands dirty with discard


Update 11/15/23: Switched out Torment of Scarabsimage for Liliana, Waker of the Deadimage as it had kind of the same effect overall, the options justed seemed to work a little better with the planeswalker. also updated Vicious Rumorsimage to Hopeless Nightmare as it brough more to the table at the slot.Last change was to add Geier Reach Sanitariumimage in place of Field of Ruinimage as it let you trigger Waste Notimage even if your opponents is out of cards, still at a 65% win rate.

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