Arena Standard - Urza's Thran Army

  • Deck contains 3 invalid cards for this format: Otawara, Soaring City (NEO), Deserted Beach (MID), Skybridge Towers (SNC)
Main 60 cards (24 distinct)
Creature (30)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Urza's Thran Army

This is a deck based on Urza's journey to create the utilmate machines in winning the war against his brother. The deck is an journey through time from the start of the war. It is about getting good value from awesome Thran Tech Units. 

The cards are really just Good Stuff artifacts that play well into Urza's abilities: 

Early Curve Combatents:

These guys are to get you in and swinging quickly. While adding good value.

Urza Support:

This is an area that maybe could use some tweaking, more Mightstones or Urza's alas this what I have in my collection. 


These are just nice finishers if you can get to them but the meat of the deck is about the assault from the myriad of Urza created Thran Tech Automatons. 

Support Cards: 

The mana base may need the most work as I have a limited number of good land cards. However, what I have works but you brewers could probably tweak out the balance a bit more. I think there might be an honorable mention that could be considered: 

Meticulous Excavationimage - way of picking back up your prototypes and getting better value or any of your other cards like Loran of the Thrid Path, Thresher, etc... could only be done on your turn but is value when you have no hand and open mana.

Rumpley MTG played my deck and made a few tweaks to the deck. if you would like to see the deck in action and see his take on the deck as well check out the video by Rumpley. Here a link to his version of the Deck. 

Rumpley's Version of Urza's Thran Army

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Last Updated: 22 Feb 2023
Created: 30 Jan 2023
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