Commander - The Deep End🐍🐿🪴

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (89 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (44)
Land (37)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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# Wincon/Combo/Strategy

* Mystical Tutorimage fetching Mystic Reflectionimage then Worldly Tutorimage / Summoner's Pactimage / Green Sun's Zenithimage fetching Avenger of Zendikarimage = **ex. 6 lands** + Cast Avenger of Zendikarimage + Hold priority and cast Mystic Reflectionimage (targeting **Avenger**). Six plant tokens come in as copies of **Avenger**. Each triggers again, making another six plant tokens (each - all of which come in as normal plant tokens). When all is said and done = **36 plant tokens, every time you play land you place seven +1/+1 counters.**
* Upkeep Koma, Cosmos Serpentimage triggers, creating a 3/3 Serpent creature token -> Esix, Fractal Bloomimage triggers, causing the serpent token to enter as Timestream Navigatorimage -> Activate (non-token) **Timestream Navigator** paying symbol:2symbol:usymbol:u and put **TimeNav** on bottom of library + Take an extra turn after this one -> Pass the turn -> Repeat = **Infinite turns**
* Eternal Witnessimage targeting Mystic Reflectionimage targeting **Eternal Witness** + Token triggers that turn = Praetor's Counselimage essentially
* Scute Swarmimage + Parcelbeastimage = Generate an exponential horde each turn
* Same steps as Wincon 1, but using Deep Forest Hermitimage rather than Avenger. This would net 16 squirrels which are each 6/6

#### Wincon (Considering)
* Mystic Reflectionimage + Tendershoot Dryadimage = Generate 40 power per turn cycle
* Iterating a "Second Mainphase card" - Here is an example: Tutoring to put a Sphinx of the Second Sunimage on the top of the deck -> Play Mosswort Bridgeimage put Sphinx under -> Untap Mosswort Bridge with (something like Kiora, Behemoth Beckonerimage) and then play Sphinx for symbol:g = get a second mainphase? (Level of Jank = 100/10)
* Have doubling effects on board -> play Biovisionaryimage -> on stack play Mystic Reflectionimage targeting Biovisionary = instant 4 copies and win.
#### Consideration
* Multiple Upkeeps
* Interaction with Zameck Guildemage and Ordeal of Nyleaimage (weak but interesting interaction I may want to try in less powerful games)
* Cut Harrowimage and Crop Rotationimage for Dreamscape Artistimage and Add in Skullclampimage

### Change to competitive?

#### Add
* Removal
* Protection
* Stax
* Artifact tutor
* Infinite mana combo but for symbol:usymbol:g

#### Remove
* Jank

### Future Goals:
* Create 3 versions (Power, Battlecruiser, Keepin it Catsual)
* - Power = maximum ability that will be the main deck presented in the above display
* - Battlecruiser = larger creatures, more 'Johnny' type plays etc.
* - Keepin it Catsual = Lower power and more acceptable at most tables (low risk to play randoms or precons).
* Once complete I'll have a "sideboard" for the 2 additional decks with a guide on what to swap out to adjust the deck to whichever version I need.

*Major attribution to [Daedalus19876]( - they created [this amazing Koma deck]( which is a HUGE inspiration (with an incredible primer).*


Although I am not using the card art, I want to thank the artist JESPER EJSING for creating absolutely stunning artwork for MTG including [the original artwork for Koma, Cosmos Serpent](

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Last Updated: 18 Jan 2022
Created: 18 Jan 2022
222 75 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
31 15 44 9 0
0 0 0 1 0
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