Arena Standard - Tergrid Gets You Mortgaged

  • Deck contains 23 invalid cards for this format: Agadeem's Awakening (ZNR), Eyetwitch (STX), Murderous Rider (ELD), Baleful Mastery (STX), Pharika's Libation (THB), Soul Shatter (ZNR), Castle Locthwain (CELD), Elspeth's Nightmare (THB), Massacre Wurm (M21), Rankle, Master of Pranks (CELD), Inscription of Ruin (ZNR), Liliana, Waker of the Dead (M21), Skull Raid (KHM), Acquisitions Expert (ZNR), Elderfang Disciple (KHM), Tergrid, God of Fright (KHM), Mascot Exhibition (STX), Environmental Sciences (STX), Introduction to Annihilation (STX), Introduction to Prophecy (STX), Pest Summoning (STX), Necrotic Fumes (STX), Expanded Anatomy (STX)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Creature (18)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (21)
Side 7 cards (7 distinct)
Maybeboard 6 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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What's more annoying than mill? Sacrifice and discard, but also stealing cards this way! The IRS takes your money, but Tergrid takes your opponent's cards.


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The purpose of this deck it's to get the win while not letting the opponent to have cards, answers and some permanents.

Both Elderfang Discipleimage and Acquisitions Expertimage can lead to some early discard, actually, if you play the first and then the second, you would have access to see 2 cards from the opponent's hand and choose one to get discarded this way. Duressimage it's a turn 1 drop that allows you to see your opponet's game (hand) and getting rid of a nonland/noncreature threat. In the meantime you try to gather the lands to cast Tergrid, God of Frightimage, the opponent will discard, sacrifice and get some creatures removed.

Elspeth's Nightmareimage is great for removing weak power creatures, but also works like Duressimage on the saga's second act, then at third act, exiles opponent's graveyard, so they won't make use of it (like Lurrus or Kroxa decks). Soul Shatterimage and Pharika's Libationimage work alike, the first it's for bigger threats (creatures/planeswalkers) while the second it's more in case of enchantments than a creature. Skull Raidimage can be foretold, but also it's versatile for drawing or make the opponent to discard. Castle Locthwainimage and Agadeem's Awakeningimage are a must in monoblack decks, you alredy know what they do.

Rankle, Master of Pranksimage fits perfectly with Tergrid and can get an extra damage or a card to boost the game. Inscription of Ruinimage might be suitable mostly to discard, but also can be a removal or a reanimator, can be all by paying it's kicker cost. Liliana, Waker of the Deadimage contributes to the discard mechanic and also acts as a removal. Murderous Riderimage and Baleful Masteryimage can get rid of targetable creatures or planeswalkers, and Massacre Wurmimage as a handy boardwipe. Finally, Eyetwitchimage it's mostly a chunk blocker to die for a Lesson Card or be sacrificed with Rankle or that can be brought back with the inscription of ruin or Agaadem's Awakening and learn again; lessons in the sideboard are varied and a plus which may fit to the situation.

About Felinaz0

Mythic Planeswalker  🐈‍⬛🀄

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Last Updated: 25 May 2021
Created: 23 May 2021
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