Standard - Sultai POD[War]

  • Deck contains 30 invalid cards for this format: Hostage Taker (XLN), Carnage Tyrant (XLN), Drowned Catacomb (XLN), Jadelight Ranger (RIX), Ravenous Chupacabra (A25), Memorial to Folly (DOM), Hinterland Harbor (DOM), Woodland Cemetery (DOM), Reclamation Sage (C18), Overgrown Tomb (GRN), Watery Grave (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN), Plaguecrafter (GRN), Llanowar Elves (GNT), Biogenic Ooze (RNA), Growth-Chamber Guardian (RNA), Hydroid Krasis (RNA), Prime Speaker Vannifar (RNA), Breeding Pool (RNA), Massacre Girl (WAR), Spark Double (WAR), Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner (WAR), Finale of Devastation (WAR), Roalesk, Apex Hybrid (WAR), Wildgrowth Walker (XLN), Reclamation Sage (C18), Assassin's Trophy (GRN), Kraul Harpooner (GRN), Plaguecrafter (GRN), Vivien's Arkbow (WAR)
Main 60 cards (25 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (3)
Creature (30)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

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edit 4/28:Made some cuts, mono red was a big issue, put in part of the explore package, Jadelight really smoothes draws out for us, deathgorge scavenger wasn't working well, people don't seem to be playing pheonixs much. Also sticking with incubation over paradise, it dies to alot of things but adapting with kiora is freaking crazy value. Sultai boards out walkers in most match ups, I just board them in instead.

This is a general creature toolbox deck that seeks to get value while getting better and better creatures. Still deciding between incubation druid and paradise druid, paradise is much safer and our 4 drops are very important,but dies to chainwhirler and cry of the cranarium. Kiora massively over performs in this deck, ramps you, protects you, draws cards, has tons of loyalty, can be played on turn 2 alot.

The toolbox probably needs work, I didn't include hydroids at first because you can't chain up to them but its not hard to cast for x=4 or more in this deck,the card is way too much value. Also deciding between storev and golgari findbroker, the broker gets more instant value, but storev is a good beater, draws off kiora, and if he gets in there once its great. Massacre girl is actually amazing, you can sacrifice uneeded paradise druids/lanowars late game to wipe the board, if you have midnight reaper up you draw off that as well, she triggers kiora too.

I tested neoforms for a while but you get 2-for one'd way too often, maybe its wrong not to play them but I don't think their are good enough creatures in standard to pair with neoform. 

We are very good vs control especially post board,they cannot deal with vivien's arkbow

mono red is rough, if you can survive until turn 4/5 you are in good shape usually, post board is much better for us.

reclamation feels unwinnable, but thats against any mid range deck, even with reclamation sage for wilderness and deathgorge trying to keep azcanta from flipping and some beat downs its still tough. tamiyo made them very consistent, ive been root snared 5 turns in a row before attacking with 20+ power on the board and they are at 5.

against all the new heroic style decks you usually die turn 4, post board you bring in 4 assassin's trophies diamond mare, and harpooner and you have a much better chance.

I've smashed all the amaass, grixis type decks, artifact decks i've come across. 

sultai is like a 50/50, cast down is dead against alot of our important things, massacre girl can wipe the board so easilly especially if they have 1 branch walker that didn't get a counter or a lanowar out. I haven't played against new liliana too much yet but I imagine she would be very rough for our deck because we don't create a huge board presence, plaguecrafters help alot though.


all the gods don't seem great in this deck, we don't get enough permanents to really draw off bonto without hurting ourselves, our creatures aren't big enough early on that doubling they're power doesn't seem too great, and the blue god is basically just a 4/5 flyer for 4 for us. 

also I want to test mirror image, except I need more cards that just provide value by themselves. This deck needs some better 3 drop creatures.

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"reclamation feels unwinnable, but thats against any mid range deck, even with reclamation sage for wilderness and deathgorge trying to keep azcanta from flipping and some beat downs its still tough. tamiyo made them very consistent, ive been root snared 5 turns in a row before attacking with 20+ power on the board and they are at 5."

My answer to that deck.... Ashiok.... That walker literally shuts down that almost single handedly.
Last Updated: 08 May 2019
Created: 21 Apr 2019
6766 601 1

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