Modern - Samwise/Rosie LOTR Combo

Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Creature (31)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (21)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

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Here is a Samwise Gamgeeimage / Rosie Cotton of South Laneimage combo deck, and it's a lot to cover. So, let's get in.

The Deck

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Let's start with the interaction between Rosie Cotton, of South Lane and Scurry Oakimage. With both cards in play, you'll make a token (it doesn't matter what kind), but let's say it's a food token. You make a food token and trigger Rosie and get to put a +1/+1 counter on a creature - You choose Scurry Oakimage.

When you put the +1/+1 counter on Scurry Oak, it will trigger and make a token. Which triggers Rosie again. You can do this infinitely (so long as nothing disrupts the loop), which gives you infinite tokens and +1/+1 counters on the Scurry Oak. Where things really get crazy is when you start adding other cards too.

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For example, with Chatterfang, Squirrel Generalimage in the mix, every time you make a token the way I described above, you'll make two instead. The same is true for Samwise tokens. If a creature enters and Samwise makes a food token, you'll get a Rosie trigger, and a Chatterfang trigger, which will trigger Rosie again. If you use those Rosie triggers to put counters on Skurry Oak, you're making more tokens, and Chatterfang also doubles those! Infinite combos everywhere.

Oh yeah, and Prosperous Innkeeperimage gives you infinite life when you make infinite tokens.

I hope you're following me because we're just getting started.

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You also have combos with Samwise Gamgeeimage, Cauldron Familiarimage, and Viscera Seer. Here is how they work. With Samwise in play, you cast Cauldron Familiar, drain your opponent, and get a food from Smawise. Now, sac the Cauldron Familiar to the [[Viscera Seer. Then, sac the food that Samwise made to bring it back from the graveyard. Since you'll get another drain and another food token, you can repeat this process until your opponent is out of life.

To add one last bit of insanity to the deck we also have four Academy Manufactorimage. Almost everything in the deck (Gilded Gooseimage, for example) makes some sort of token when it enters. With Academy Manufactorimage in play, anytime you make a clue, a food, or a treasure, you make all three instead!

Finding the Combo

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All of the combos mentioned above are creature-based and use creatures with a low-cmc. This means that Collected Companyimage and Finaly of Devestation are perfect for finding several of the combo pieces and closing out games very quickly. I know that is a lot, so let me know if you have any questions.

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Last Updated: 07 Jan 2024
Created: 06 Jan 2024
813 38 0

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0 2 11 2 0
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